Saturday, January 31, 2009


HELLO AND WELCOME EVERYONE! First, an update regarding one of my fitness classes, "balance your life." Anyone following my blogs over the past six weeks knows that I refer to the women in my classes as the "miracle girls." Enrollment numbers are going through the roof. These senior women bring enthusiasm, a great attitude and fun. Seven classes in four different towns. It's alive! It's showtime! It's living the dream! So, to these women, thank you!
VIEWPOINT...mental fitness. Last week we started talking about the importance of the mental part of exercise and fitness. The "mental' is fundamental in anything worthwhile we do in life.
Doing the things we like to do requires little discipline. The things we need to do and don't want to do demands the practice of discipline. BEING MENTALLY ready to face the task at hand is
key. Athletes at any age and any level of competition for the most part, are about equal in
physical abitity. The difference...mental preparation. We either cultivate toughness or allow for
softness. In most cases, the challenge is not the competition, it is ourselves. Mental fitness
is the front wheel if the bicycle, it gets you to where you want to go. Physical fitness is the hind
wheel, it's the driving force to where you are going. Your mindset puts you in the winner's
circle or keeps you out. Winners always meet at the finish line!

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O
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Sunday, January 25, 2009


HELLO AND WELCOME EVERYONE! You can feel the excitement in the air. You can feel the
senior fitness fever. Just being around seniors in my classes and seeing the eagerness in their eyes motivates me. I can sense a surge in senior is real!

The time has arrived for me to prepare in earnest for the 2009 Senior Olympics, the Nationals
and other outdoor meets. Last week I was granted permission to enter a college indoor meet. So
I have entered two meets for the first week of February. I needed this to arouse my competitive spirit. What are the odds of me winning?! Bring it on boys, bring it on!
I have been working out six days a week for 90 minutes each workout. Three days M,W and F
doing speed drills and the other three days doing cross training, including tennis, racquetball, abs
and in the weight room. That's the physical aspect.
Now the MENTAL aspect. We have talked about this in previous bloggs. From my viewpoint, the mental is more important than the physical. I refer to this as mental toughness. Before I start working out I meditate for 2/3 minutes. I consentrate on what I am about to do and why.
I answer the question: why am I doing this? The answer for see what I am made of, to find out what my limitations are and to focus on my goals and to reinforce my commitment for
a healthy lifestyle. Twice this past week, I did not feel like working out. My mental fitness
forced me to work through that "weakness." Most of the time I work out alone. Answer the
question...What kind of person am I, when I am alone? It's about attaining and maintaining
the mental part. A workout partner helps to overcome the mental lapse. Your mental toughness
gets you started and forces you to start and complete all the exercises and drills. If you cheat on
yourself in your training, you have already failed. Chances of being a top notch competitor are
slim to none. You will not have the confidence you need. Oh, you may get lucky once, but you will
never attain "peak performance" status. The mental, drives you to greater achievements.
Working for something you really want, is a core value. Work is a value that should not be
watered down. Whether you engage in competition or not, to feel good about yourself, Prepare to give the best of you...always!

Have a great and meaningfull life everyone! Jimmy O
E mail:

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Hello and welcome everyone! For the past three weeks we have been discussing the very popular exercise program that I designed two years ago. The program..."BALANCE YOUR LIFE." I have also talked up the women in one of my first classes. I have "coined" the term
"MIRACLE GIRLS" to describe the progress these women have made. During this past
week I have presented the balance your life program to three new groups of women. All three
groups signed up for the program. After considerable study of why this program
is so popular, I have concluded the following: 1) women are serious about their health and are
committed to having a healthy lifestyle. 2) Fun...women want fitness and exercise to be fun!
3) Program must have a healthy social element. 4) Women want and need to have input into
the exercises. 5) Change up...program must contain creativity and a challenge! What women are saying, "please don't bore us to death or treat us like children." From my viewpoint...the
instructor must have the utmost respect for women. Be prepared. Set up interesting "learning
objectives." Pay attention to each individual and be honest with them. Each class begins with a hug and ends with a hug. Yes, we are a family and we CARE for each other. For me, this class has been the most rewarding...ever. Long live the "miracle girls."

Next week...preparing for the Senior Olympics...again.

E mail:

Sunday, January 11, 2009


HELLO AND WELCOME EVERYONE! A few weeks ago I wrote about the senior women in one of my "balance your life" classes and how rewarding this class was for me. The response from all of you has been overwhelming. Originally, I designed the class for two sessions per week and for six weeks. Well, these women are now starting their 24th session. I am now adding a new series of exercises in order keep interest at a high level and present a challenge. These women are now kicking a soccer ball (stress reducer) and they are learning ten basic moves in martial arts, six defensive and four offensive moves. This week I will introduce the balance board and hopping on two feet and one foot in different directions. A challenge to their newly acquired balance. How did all of this come about?! PERSPECTIVE: as a personal/athletic trainer I discovered that more time needs to be given to the individual...asking questions, listening, observing and introducing a series of exercises in a progressive manner. Trainers tend to spend too much time talking about machines and feeding the individual with tons of technical information. This whirlwind of "tech info" causes client confusion and a memory test. My balance class is about the importance of machines, no weight lifting and no laying on the floor. When one acquires better balance, along with that comes better coordination, strength and reaction time. Reflex and reaction time comes about using the soccer ball and tennis ball.
Remember, these women range in age from 57 to 74. Yes, this has been a great learning experience for me. The ingredients for a great fitness, laughter, socialize and learning on the part of both trainer and client. And, allow the class to select some of the exercises.
So, to my "miracle women" thank you for coming into my life. The class has no ending, so no one will graduate, ever. Carl Rogers said it best, "I became a great teacher, when I became an excited learner"'s not about me, it's about the client(s).

Reference: www.secondwindfitness

Thursday, January 1, 2009


HAPPY NEW YEAR AND WELCOME EVERYONE!!! Every year, for as long as I can remember,
(some times for only a few minutes), people have been making New Year's resolutions that they don't keep...or don't remember. I will continue this, as usual, on Sunday. This is called a "teaser."

Well, finally it is Sunday...and if it's Sunday, it's blogger time! Why is it that most of us need a time or day or specific "time zone" or reason (besides health) to start the fitness journey! As a society, we tend to postpone what needs to be done. Some time ago, I realized that a day lost can never be made up. There are no "time trials, qualification rounds or dress rehearsals" in real life.
One can not make up for lost time. THE TIME IS NOW! And not just for those of us who are age 70, or for seniors in general, but for people at any age. Society needs to change the lifestyle mind set relative to fitness and our eating habits. Change is not easy. The mental process comes first, then the physical part. I firmly believe seniors must lead the way. Why would we wait for someone else to set the example. We ( age 50 and over) have lived through more changes than at any time in our history. Our legacy, ultimately will depend on how we are viewed as caretakers of ourselves and those around us and those who watch from a distance. We must be the benchmark for those who follow. We need to set the bar higher! I do not believe in the status quo in life. We either get better or we get worse. SENIORS...we have one more challenge, let's get it done! we have unfinished business. Senior fitness starts now!
Next week... miracle women. The women in my "balance your life" class.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O
