Sunday, September 25, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! Part one of a two part series. Overweight?
We spend alot of time on looking at, spending BIG dollars on, on and off
exercise...mostly off and worrying about being overweight. We are fixated
on the overweight body. We tend to ignore the reasons are numerous and
countless. The overweight brain robs and erodes and blocks all our positive thoughts and activity and goals. We become confused and
disorganized. We jump from one thing to another without purpose and
passion. We become stale. Our state of mind is overweight...difficult to
carry around all this extra weight. We are tired, no energy and can't sleep. Countless people who live in this "state of mind" don't know what
a good day should feel like. People are approaching the "red zone." The
danger zone. Is this you?! Next week...the answers/solutions.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! A viewpoint...periodicly we have to click
the "clear button" relative to our training and workouts. We are creatures
of habit, thus our fitness life becomes mechanical and robotic. Brain and
muscle memory rule the day. The line between results expected and
results achieved is the efficiency line. How efficient are you? This past
year I didn't feel that I was very efficient. Results expected were not there.
People come to me for answers and I did not have answers for myself. I
pressed the "clear button." Started over. Designed a completely different
training and workout program. One month later...I am already seeing and feeling the results. Other people have commented on my results.
The line of efficiency is going up. Funny thing...we can be dumb one day
and very smart the next. Be smart!

Have a great and meaningful life everyone!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! 911...a tribute to those who lost their lives, to their families and to the survivors...your heroism and your
loss will be honored and remembered for generations to come. A viewpoint...the lesson I is time to root out the pettiness and
self serving practice. Challenge myself and those around me to live life
to the fullest. Reach out to everyone. Have an IMPACT on everyone I meet. People will always remember how you made them feel. Have the
courage and the passion to stay the course. One final day
should pass without giving someone a hug. Time for reflection.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! Today, it's smorgasbord...take what you like and the rest leave for someone else. My fall and winter schedule is
back in play. Earlier personal workouts, 5:30am to 7:00am. Conducting
(so far) eight fitness classes and five pickleball classes a week. In addition, two classes a week working with the physically and mentally
challenged beginning Tuesday, Sept. 6th. And I'm having two people from my other classes accompany me to assist. This is the first step in
organizing sports teams for the physically and mentally challenged. I also
want the village board to approve an area in one of our parks specifically
for the challenged and for Seniors. My pickleball team, known as the
"Senior Class" will travel to five area high schools and play the students.
All of this stems from one thought..."perhaps the greatest threat to our
health is a lack of movement." That thought drives me to encourage
others to "get moving." There is a special and rewarding feeling when
one reaches the "functional freedom to move about."

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy 0