Monday, June 27, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! Glad to be back home. Competed in the michigan State Games and
came away with 4 medals, 2 gold and 2 silver. The highlight for me though was being the torch bearer. No, I didn't have to walk...I was in a convertible (Ford Mustang). Handed the torch to Tom
Izzo, head basketball coach at MSU. Prior to that I had a chance to talk with Tom and catch up on "the news." I had not seen him for over 20 years. We shared "war stories." The opening ceremonies was something to behold! Will fill you in more next week.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

Friday, June 17, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! Berries and seeds is our discussion this week. Fitness is the passion and pursuit of attaining a greater level of life. Indian Gooseberry...concentrated source of vegetarian vit c, having as much as 20x the vit c as an orange. Lemon extract...supports collagen and connective tissue formation. Black currant...supports stem cell function. Has high concentration of antioxidants...more than blueberries. Peas...plant based proteins and amino acids. Bone development, building lean body mass to improved immune response and reduction of body mass.
Potassium, vit A and b1. Hempseeds...contain all the essential amino acids and fatty acids or EFAs
necessary to healthy human life. Richest source in the plant world of fatty acids. Hempseeds cotain
over 30% oil and about 31% protein. Also a source of dietary fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc
and copper. red wine vinegar, pine nut oil and wheat bran give you that "full feeling" and helps balance blood sugar.
This week is crunch time...preparing for the 2nd annual Michigan State games. I will be competing
in Track and, 100M, 200M, LJ and HJ. All on the same day.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

Friday, June 10, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! The last two blogs, "Jimmyo's fix," was well received. Thanks to all of you. Let's talk about PEAK PERFORMANCE. I want to preface that with..."whatever advice or new things come into the market place today will probably be obsolete by tomorrow. Research is advancing at an awsome pace." Peak performance...alot is being said and written about peaking at the right time. I don't know if anyone really has a handle on that. Peaking at the right time is not (in my opinion) an exact science. Think of it as "time zones." And two clocks are running at the same time...your body clock and your mental clock. We pay more attention to the physical than we do the mental. We tend to watch our stopwatch too much. This is more prevelant with distance runners than sprinters. I'm a sprinter and any distance longer than 400M, I take a cab. Divide your training into three separate time frames...days, weeks or months. Each represents a time zone. As we move through each zone, measure what your body is telling you and how you feel your mental fitness is progressing. Yes, you can push (will) your way through the zones, but at what price? The price? Jet lag! We need to address our mental state of mind on a daily basis. If I am not sharp, crisp mentally, I can toss the stopwatch. Mental
fitness should be monitored daily. Did you ever think this...boy, I'm sure glad I made it through this workout. You were glad to get it over with. Those thoughts should be a warning sign, you are drained mentally. Physically, your body crossed the finish line...mentally, you never got started. First to the finish line is where winners always meet. Next week...all about seeds.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O
Reference: the update is finished

Sunday, June 5, 2011

JIMMYO'S FIX (part 2)

Hello and welcome everyone! Perhaps the greatest threat to our health is the lack of an athlete and competitor, my greatest fear is injury. Let's address avoidance and treatment of injuries. Most of us learn to live with some aches and pains..."bearable stuff." We can still train and compete at our best. Injuries that cause us to " break down" is serious business. The IMBALANCE of muscle is serious and can be the cause of the pain or injury we feel. Case in chronic left hamstring and left groin pull...that was the result of the real problem. I have an imbalance of my muscle system and tight hip flexors. Daily, I need to massage my stomach muscles and exercise my hip flexors. Tightness in the stomach and chest muscles can cause other problems also. Wheezing can be the result of tightness and therefore not getting enough oxygen to the muscles. During hot humid days, we should be stretching more...not less. Humidity tends to constrict the muscles and we can lose as much as 30% of our strength. And that also applies to the oxygen needed. Why do you think there are more deaths in the summer during competition than at any other time of year. Why do you think your conditioning never improves. Finally, after a workout, you may want to apply tiger balm ultra or castor oil to relax muscle tightness. Also use a heating pad.
Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O