Sunday, October 30, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! Questions and info requests from this past
week...1) hard to get nutrients...purple potatoes, helps in reducing high
blood pressure. 2) lychees, sweet fruit, high in heart healthy polyphenois.
3) guave, South African fruit, 5x vitamin c than med. glass of orange
juice and more lycopene than other red fruits. 4) boy choy, cabbage from
China and boosts 10x vit. A in one cup and high in anti oxidants. 5) Asain
pear, keeps you full longer. lose belly fat, cruciferous veggies...broccali,
cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale, bok cabbage.

Your mental toughness will give you "the edge" over your competition.
How it works,in any my sprint training, there is a point
at a certain distance where I issue a command to my brain to take it to
a higher level. In the 100m the command is at the 80m mark. In the 200m it's at the 90m mark, in the 400m it's at the 300m mark and in
the 50m, it's at the 40m mark. When competing, it is automatic. The
brain sends that signal to the right muscles and I feel it kick in. I have done this since the year 2000.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! I will share two thoughts with you this week. my vocabulary, there are two times a year when quarerly
training/workout planning takes on greater importance. The fourth of the
year is one. You must measure your "time in training" relative to the
holidays. How much time (hours/days) will be lost? Second...the first
quarter of each year. Get started right after the Jan. one. This is critical
"prep time" for the upcoming season for most of us. Change your routine.
Against all least once each week, I have an opportunity to work with physically and mentally challenged men and women. This is extremely rewarding for me. It's a thankful for my good

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! Recently, I have received several comments
and questions regarding training "outside the box" and cross training. goes. Starting with cross training. 1) deep water aerobics and
deep water running. 2) TRX...suspension workout. 3) racquetball, tennis,
basketball and pickleball. "Outside the box"...1) sprinting uphill forward
and backward. 2) pogo hops with knee lifts, 30 in 15 sec. 3) sprinting up
stairs. 4) on curved treadmill, sprinting as fast as I can for 30, 40 and 60
sec. 5) pushing a 2x4 (wrapped thin cloth or rug) from one end of gym to
the other. 6) running against current in 3/4 feet of water. 7) plyo and iso.
Minimum of 3 sets each. Also, deep breathing exercises twice a day. So,
there you have it. It works for me and hope it works for you, whether you
are a biker, runner, sprinter and for any sport.

Have a great and meaningful day everyone! Jimmy O

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! I stated in part 2 that this would be the
conclusion...and it is, however with some topics, for one to reach an
absolute conclusion would be a reach. "I always thought I was a good
teacher. However, I became a great teacher when I became an excited
learner." Carl Rogers. Holistic approach to one's health is now a common
place term; as well as "a complete person." For now let's stay on the "natural side" of health. Starting with water...lack of water, the #1 trigger of fatigue. Research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could
significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. Coconut
water...high in nutrients and potassium, magnesium and calcium and
gluten free. Beets...fight cancer, highin anti oxidants. Do not heat. Cabbage...disarms cell damaging free radicals, high in nutrients. Previous blogs listed other natural foods we should have in our daily diet.
Hope this helps in your quest of being the best that we can be.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! Five years ago I designed an exercise/
fitness program..."Balance Your Life." attain functional
balance, for any age. Balance is and should be the foundatain of any
program and one's life. Muscle and brain imbalance prevents us from
attaining our max and peak performance. Many of us suffer from "brain
lock." The brain doesn't send the right signal to the right set of muscles.
We fail. Recognize and embrace the PSYCHOLOGICAL MOMENT. This
is the time when a person is most apt to react in the desired manner. This
is why most people handle failure easier than success. We either gravitate
toward success or failure. I do not believe in the status's either up
or down. Last week I stated this would be a two part series; however this
will be a three part series. Next week...conclusion.

Have a great and meaningful everyone! Jimmy O