Monday, May 27, 2019


Welcome everyone...this is a day to remember those who lost their lives for freedom the world over. It is a day to think of their families also...victims. Pray. Have a safe Holiday. Jimmy O

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Welcome everyone...let's get started. I call X training the "glue" that brings everything together...for conquer yourself. Pic and choose and in any order. 1) any form of  Martial Arts, 2) Aerobics, platform and or water, 3) in lieu of Martial Arts, Large punching bag for arms, legs, feet...go for 60 sec. per set. 4) Hiking, 5) Choose a non-event sport(s), 6) tumbling/gymnastics, 7) Biking, 8) Horseback riding, 9) Rock climbing. You get the idea. Results expected...brain stimulant, discipline, toughness and control. Meet your challenge! jimmy o "Profiles in Leadership" at

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Gravity Pull

Welcome everyone and let's get started. The weight room or sweat shop. History of weights is truly historic. Irons, concrete, tractor tires, logs, cars. Wow! Let's break it down, shoulders, chest, back, arms, legs, neck. Schedule, flow, technical, comfort level. Increasing weights is less important than doing it right. Stay away from that that 5 letter word...I-n-j-u-r-y. When working legs, work each leg separately on most drills. You want the same power in each leg. continue drills until the end...finish. Start and stop drills are a curse. Leave the cell phone locked in your car. Keep business and social separate. Work out in front of a mirror and pay attention to your technique. Ask the guys who are missing about that. Don't drop those weights, set them down and we don't care about your grunting. This is business, not a reality show.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Why so Many Injuries?

Welcome everyone and let's get started...physical therapy  has become the hot occupation...thanks in large degree to muscle pulls and stress fractures. And due to us...yes, we are the large contributors. Pro athletes and Seniors also are guilty. OK why? Lack of prep time, body education, lack of know how, show off and there are more of us into fitness. How to limit/prevent injuries. Include BALANCE drills on a daily basis. Working  your entire body with emphasis on foot drills. Gradually moving from flat terrain to hills, sand and water. Jumping...if you land flat footed, you add weight to the foot and cause undue stress. NO, I do not agree that because we jump higher and we are stronger...that's what causes fractures. When we first learn to jump, why don't I hear about stress fractures or muscle pulls? Vary your fitness drills and cause muscle confusion. Don't fall victim to muscle memory. Training on hills (about 30 ft. elevation) and sand has helped 100's of men and women avoid injuries. I can attest to that. I have trained 1,000"s of men and women of all ages in my "Balance Your Life" classes. Happy Landing. Jimmy O