Sunday, October 25, 2020

Your Left/your right

 Welcome everyone...This drill is called switch up. Regaining lost balance. Balance is the CORE of all skill sets...all sports. Start with "hop scottish." One of the first games we learned to play as a youngster. If you are a rightie, switch to the opposite foot. 5 sets. 2) kick the can, 10 sets. 3) Kick a soccer ball against a wall...5 sets. 4) get a rubber ball and throw against a wall. 10 sets. Throw 5 under hand and 5 over hand. 5) Dribble a basketball...5 sets for 1 min. each. Set aside 2 days a week, an hour each for these drills. You will notice positive results after the 3rd time. Apply the "switch" to all sports...back and forth. Jimmy O

Sunday, October 18, 2020


 Welcome everyone...if you are faint of heart...sign out. Get a stop watch. Let's get started...after your 20 min. warmup, grab the jump rope and go for one min. Rest for 30 sec. Five sets. Next, sprint for 10M forward and backward...5 sets no rest period. next, go to a an in climb and sprint backwards up hill and forward down hill. 5 sets no rest. Next, get a 8-10 lb. med. ball, squat and thrust upwards and while holding ball reach above head as far as you can reach. 10 sets, no rest. next, Kangaroo hop 10M, arms chest high. 10 sets. Rest 2 min. Slow jog 400M. Way to go. JimmyO

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Start Your Engines!

Welcome everyone...starting something...the beginning...toughest step. More people fail before they even started. What a shame. If you are going to climb a mountain, you look up at the peak...that's the your goal. You stop looking up...look down and take that begin the journey. You and your goal are now united. Take ownership...control. Fate is what life gives you...destiny is what you do with it. There more to drills, workouts, running and the weight room. There is the purpose in life. The mental guides you...the physical drives. Get behind the wheel of your life. Jimmy O 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Welcome everyone...Seasonal Changes...the temp and weather aren't the only changes that affect us. Four changes on everyone's one. Most of us also experience  "downer" low point and yes  even depression. And yes, even excuses. Our mental attitude needs a booster. You may have physical difficulties. Write down your workout schedule and stick to it. There are 100's of mind games on line. Pick out a few and make it a regular daily habit. Stay away from negative conversation...this should be a daily habit. The negative of any sort is a "weight." You can't allow yourself to be "weighted down." Climbing out of that a long and rocky hill to climb. Don't go there. We face the challenge of Covid 19, seasonal change, staying healthy. A healthy YOU is a great and best way to tackle that challenge. See you at the finish line...where winners, survivors and grinders always meet.