Thursday, December 31, 2020

The Bell Rings

Happy New Year everyone...every year "new replaces old" and we is also the time when we hear about all the New Year's resolutions. Perhaps we should replace the 'resolution' with the word 'Gonna.' I'm gonna do this and that...and end up doing nothing to change. We bring in the new year easier and faster than we get rid of old habits. Time travels in one direction, and no we can't "make up for lost time." To do we view our "pattern of life." Evolve/change one piece at a time. Own your pattern...your life. Visualize your pattern of life as though you were already there, and begin to act/behave that way . I'll be back after the clock rings 12. Wishing you a safe, healthy and joyful New Year. Jimmy O

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas 2020

 Welcome and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah...Perhaps it is time to wish for and practice "peace on earth, good will toward mankind." Some day someone will write a book on this year 2020. And a book will be written on each one of us. I don't know about you, but I don't want to appear in a paperback...I want to be in hard cover. I want 2020 to be in hard cover. The last question we find in the book..."what kind of people were they...what kind of person were you. How will we define will each of us define ourselves. Last will our family and friends define us. With best wishes, jimmy

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Welcome everyone...aaahh yes, that finish line. But, where is it...exactly? We know the line is in front of the grand stands. Whether you are a sprinter or distant runner. So, long before you're up, pick out "land marks" around the track. This will help as to when you shift gears. Reminder...we are always measuring distance and energy. When/where do I kick? You take nothing for's the little things that add up to how you finish. Practice...when competing or will perform as you's also a mental practice.  Distance, energy, landmarks, practice, little things.   

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Muscle Memory

 Welcome everyone...for quite sometime now, I felt there was a parallel between business and sports. One link is muscle memory. We are guilty of relying on the "remote behavior." When want to change a way of doing things, under pressure, we resort back to the "old way." And get the same 2nd place results. Changing something requires change, you have to change. Break it down into tiny baby steps. We build that comfort zone on the old...Break that "spell." Don't allow muscle memory become your worst enemy. BREAK!