Friday, February 26, 2021
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Welcome everyone... oft times I have drawn the parallel between the sports world and the business world. Muscle memory plays a huge part in both. The quarterback is exposed to that, more so than any other position. Learning a new skill or bettering the old...when the going gets tough, muscle memory kicks in and kicks the brain. The same holds true in business, no matter your profession, title or occupation.. 2) indecision...oops...there goes the confidence. 3) playbook...break down goals by the week or bits/parts. Go beyond just reaching a goal, don't slack off, become satisfied. If you were to climb Mt Everest, you wouldn't keep looking at the, you would look down at each step. Never allow yourself to become complacent...never. Dr. Edin Ryl, "you pack your own chute." Jimmy O