Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Welcome every one...Simone Biles is this weeks Hero...first women to land a Yurchenko double pike in competition at the U.S. Classic. Viewers only saw the final result. But the coaches and teammates know the whole story...minute by minute...step by step...and yes, some miss steps along the way. Long before that historic moment...Simone visualized herself doing it and getting right. She began to act and behave as though she was already there. The impact Simone had on herself and others was in direct proportion to her own self image. Visualize yourself as already being what ever you endeavor. Its yours...if you can see it...if you can feel it. Jimmy O

Sunday, May 9, 2021


Welcome everyone...99% of us do not know our limitations. No, we give up prior to reaching our limits. Why? Human nature.  Course of habit, muscle memory...lets do this together..."beyond our limits."  Starting with a punching bag. PUNCH straight arm and upper cut. With your feet...front snap kick, side kick. Sprint for 90 sec. Start over. This is a one hour drill. You have no limits...GO...

Sunday, May 2, 2021


 Welcome everyone...this week's hero...Alberta Lorelai Mosnegutu Romanias, (Got Talent).  A 14 rear old Roman girl, with cogenital amputee, plays piano with her toes and has a great voice. Younger people, teens are stepping out of the box and stepping into the forefront...not waiting to be told...leading. Next writing...taking it to the limit. Exploring the unknown.