Wednesday, December 19, 2007

motivation, change, fitness and health

Hello everyone! One of the airlines has for its slogan " freedom to move about." I thought that would be quite fitting for fitness and health. Having worked with physically and mentally challenged people as a personal trainer I felt compelled to note and remind myself just how fortunate I am to be in excellant health. I hope this is a reminder for many of you also. People faced with health restrictions have the "will" to forge ahead. They have a "I can do it attitude." I don't hear them complain or have self pity. That attitude is a lesson in life that all of us should embrace...every day! Why is it then that we lack the motivation to preserve and enhance our mind, body and spirit via a healthy life style.

TO CHANGE...WE HAVE TO CHANGE. Consider this credo: there are three people in each of us...the person we were yesterday, the person we are today and the person we want to grow into...the vision of the person we want to be. The difficulty, change creates conflict...internal conflict. We have to replace our comfort zone with challenge. This is where self-motivation comes in to play. Once we accept and understand this, we begin to gravitate toward the person we want to be. Thus, in this subject matter we gravitate toward fitness and a healthy life style. We let go of that "comfort zone" that held us captive. We achieve that wonderful lifestyle of "freedom to move about." We begin to think and act as though we are already there.

In my preparation for the 2008 Senior Olympics I visualize myself as already being there...already competing. I call this "goal gravitation." Motivation equals change and change equals fulfillment. Growing and maturing toward the person I not only want to be but, the person I need to be. The intangible...being a role model for someone who may be watching.

Do we really need a New Years resolution to become a better person? I truly believe that most of us fear having the annual physical because we think something might be wrong with us. If a person can't be self-motivated to take that first step, then all the words and ideas I express are worthless. Do we have a responsibility to pursue a healthy lifestyle? I believe we do. It is the unending quest for a "freedom to move about." BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. The journey for me, is just as exciting as the actual achievement.

My Christmas message..wishing all of you the strength, the will and the vision to move toward the new you. Happy holidays to you, your loved ones and your friends. Have a healthy and exciting journey toward fitness in the new year. Have a great life everyone! jimmyo

Monday, December 3, 2007


Remember, as a youngster playing games, all sorts of games, from hop scotch to beanbag to any kind of game played with a ball; and yes we can't leave out jumping rope. Sure beats drinking cod liver oil for a healthy mind and body. Oh yes, we also possessed a "I can do anything" spirit. Wonder what would happen if we revisited (to a lesser degree) a few of those fun things. For many of us I think we lack that daring "I can do it" attitude. Obviously, some of us can't for health reasons. However, most can do something in the way of exercise to some degree. When interviewing people of all ages I have discovered that people don't exercise because the disease "I am comfortable" sets in. Status quo. If I am comfortable, I do not move. I don't find many books on "self comfort controll". Just because we age does not mean we have to get old or allow our mind to become addicted to the mind set of "don't have to exercise...its my life." Until we change our thinking we will not change our life style...unless tragedy strikes, then we our forced to change.
TODAY...LETS CHANGE the comfort zone to a I'm going to do it attitude. You can begin with a folding chair, a stretch band and a ball...and right in your own home if you like. I call this my portable gym. If you did not know your age, how old would you be? Take care of yourself so no one else has too. We look out for ourselves financially...what about our MIND...BODY...AND SPIRIT. HAVE A GREAT LIFE EVERYONE! jimmy o