Sunday, September 14, 2008


HELLO AND WELCOME EVERYONE! For those of you who are new to my blog...a few thoughts to bring you up to date. I workout 6 days a week...approximately 90 minutes of high impact each. My training is more intense than a competitive event. I compete in track and field (5 events), tennis, racquetball and martial arts and play on a local softball team. As a survivor of prostate cancer, I dedicated my training for the Senior Olympics to cancer victims and survivors. That was and will continue to be my incentive.
THIS WEEK'S WORKOUT consists of 11 drills with emphasis on 1) fast twitch, 2) explosion, 3) speed burst. The three are consistant with every workout 3 days a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Monday and Friday on the track and Wednesday up hill. Every exercise I do on the track, I do up hill. I call it bunker hill. 30 yards long with a 10 yard rise from the foot of the hill to the top. Bunker hill helps me develope the power I need in sprinting. These are the drills: plyometrics, running up stairs(50 steps), speed bursts, 50% speed for 10m, then full speed for 40m. Ladder, lateral jumps, kangaroo jumps (10 yards), ball toss (toss the ball back over my head, turn and sprint to the ball and catch it on the first bounce.Squat jump( holding soccer ball in my hands, squat, bend knees and touch ball to the ground and jump and stretch arms overhead). Sprinting forward and backward, 10 yards each way, 10x. Barefoot grass sprinting, (50m). This helps your feet and for explosive sprinting.
Developing "start quickness" I sprint up a 10 yard incline of 3 feet and then another 10 yards. This exercise forces me to develope proper form in my starts.
SPECIAL NOTE: In order to develope "fast twitch muscle fiber" your feet cannot land and "stay" on the ground. As soon as your foot hits the ground , UP. It's POP, POP, POP. 5 REPITITIONS to each set. Bunker Hill helps develope power in my sprinting. On Tuesday and Thursday I do yoga and pilates and hit the weight room. Saturday is a mix of the drills for the week. That's it for this week.

Have a great and meaningfull life everyone! Jimmy O

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