Sunday, March 29, 2009


Hello and welcome everyone! Last week I promised to share my workout routine with you. My
conducting fitness classes will conclude on Tuesday, 3/31 until after Labor Day. My Senior Olympic workout...this year 7 senior athletes have requested to train with me. Again this year, I will be training with one of the local High School track teams. So, let's get started:
* I have prepared mentally since last year's Senior Olympics and thought out my "game plan."
* Make notes daily. Training is 6 days a week. The Nationals are in June, Senior Olympics in
July and the Senior Games in August. So I need to peak by June 1st and maintain that for
10 weeks.
* Mondays, on the track. Speed drills, 50m, 100m and 200m. Top speed, 65% of capacity
until 2 weeks before the meet.
* Tuesdays, weight room, lower body and abs. Isometrics and plyometrics.
* Wednesdays, up hill work. The hill is 30m long with an elevation of 20m. Sprinting forward
and backward. Hops and lunges. Medicine ball (8 lbs), squat and jump, 5 sets, 5 each set.
* Thursdays, weight room, upper body, abs, isometrics and plyometrics.
* Fridays, same as on Mondays and sprinting up and down bleacher steps.
* Saturdays, abs and isometrics. Light sprinting for 20m at a time for 20 minutes.
My workout is for 60 minutes plus warm up and cool down for 20 minutes each. Stretching
3x during the workout. I never jog. I focus on developing "fast twitch" muscles. I always have
someone critque my form and technique...if I am going to invest 15 hours a week in training,
I want to be doing it correct. Bad form and technique saps energy. Each workout is calulated
with a particular purpose in mind.
Conclusion...take care of your body, it's the only one you have and never cheat on your training.
During a week's training, I perform 23 different drills. All drills are timed. Pay attention to details. Little things make the difference...First to the Finish Line...where winners always meet.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O
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