Saturday, June 20, 2009


Hello and welcome everyone! I get somewhat nauseous when "scorecards" become the focus of
fitness and training and workouts. No matter what level of fitness you are at, your "lifestyle IQ"
will determine what value you place on YOUR HEALTH. That scorecard you filled out at the local gym or club will be placed in the "where is it file." Your lifestyle IQ is determined by your
value system: 1) mental preparation 2) consult your physician 3) what are my limitions
4) when will I workout and where 5) are what you eat 6) what are my needs 7) why
am I doing this 8) why do I need to do this. To get there...start here! Remember, a mountain
climber does not start just to go half way...the climber is determined to reach the top. Excuses
are for quitters. Find a way to get it done! The energy! Reduce ugly stress! Look
and feel younger! Your lifestyle IQ makes all the difference in your future. I gaurantee it!

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O
E mail:

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