Saturday, October 10, 2009


Hello and welcome everyone! Wow! What a week...a week of excitement and fun. Conducted
eight "Balance Your Life" classes for 161 participants. Received a call from one of the local
hospitals (cardiac dept.) requesting that I conduct a fitness class for heart patients. Received
more than a few calls from expectant mothers requesting to participate in the "Balance Your Life" class. Received an email from a physical therapist requesting to observe and participate
in one of my classes. My deepest thanks to Carol and Pat for referring and endorsing my
fitness class. Carol and Pat are two of the first people to attend my class a year ago. Whatever
measure of success my classes have attained...I owe to the participants, it's not about me. And,
there is a "Greater Power" at work here...I am convinced of that. It's amazing to me just how
much can be accomplished with an exercise ball, a resistance band and a folding chair. The
recipe for the class also calls for fun and laughter...that's the healing part of the class. SPECIAL!?
Yes, very special. You won't find those ingredients in a fitness manual.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

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