Sunday, November 22, 2009


Hello and welcome everyone! This week's highlight...conducted my "Balance Your Life" class
at First Baptist church on Thursday. Twenty one Seniors attended including a physical therapist. Great group of Seniors. I learn something from each class. Each class has it's own
personality however, three things stand out in every class...1) the social element, they need
"the mix." 2) Fun, laughter. Laughter heals. 3) Support and encouragement to exercise.
Learning exercises they can do at home. For the most part, trainers at fitness clubs fear that
if their clients exercise at home, they will stop coming to the club. NOT TRUE. The environment
that we create is paramount in motivating people to exercise. Teaching people the "how to"
is critical. If "we" the trainers are boring, the class will be boring and the clients are bored and
stop coming. Carl Rogers, educator, once said "I became a great educator when I became an
excited learner." I heard that about 40 years ago and never forgot it. So, to the over 300
participants in my classes, thank you for keeping me excited and motivated.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday.
Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

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