Sunday, August 8, 2010


Hello and welcome everyone! Hope you are enjoying the summer. Commitment to excellance,
focus, sacrifice...ingredients to attain and maintain "peak performance." When you work out alone, you have to dig deep and push yourself. Keep reaching higher, raising the bar. You never know what the competition is doing. I want to be worthy of competiting against the best. When
you are in several events, every three weeks, you really don't have any time to sit back and enjoy it. Coming up...the Senior Games, my last event for this year next weekend. I am in eight events. I have five days to be ready...and already I am thinking about my training changes for
next I can get better. Whether you enter competition or not, stay the course, add and
change your routine, even the time of day that you work out. A routine is good, a rut is bad. You
will know if you are on the right track if you feel a "rush" and feel refreshed after your workout.
It's your body and the only one you have...take great care of YOU.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

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