Sunday, November 6, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! Breaking down one's training routine and
performance is critical in reaching a higher standard. Most athletes don't
take the time or have the "know how" to critique performance. Thus, how do
you know if you are getting better. Progressing or regressing. Seconds,
minutes are so important in our training. Does your assessment of your
workouts sound like this..."I really struggled today." "Couldn't get my
second wind." "I felt better to day." PEAK PERFORMANCE is achieved
by knowing exactly the how, why and what of training. Whatever your
sport or level of competition we need to break it down in little bits and
pieces. Start with your mental approach, what you eat, selecting and
changing your workouts and how you begin and how you end. Write
down everything. Keep score on yourself. Knowledge is power. Keep the
arrow pointing up.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

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