Sunday, October 21, 2012


Hello and welcome everyone...week in review and something extra.
Thursday, delivered a motivational speech for a library fund raiser.
Library is trying to build a new facility. Great audience! Friday was
"kick off" day for playing vs high schools. Seniors vs students. Wow! This marks the 4th year for this program. Ten courts, all
going at the same time for doubles action. Bringing two generations
coming together. These young men and women bring respect, courtesy and game. Each month, we will be playing at least two
high  schools.
Something extra...all of us look for an "edge" in our training and
competitive events. Most look to supplements..."juice." And it
appears that the "edge," how to attain, changes. It's a moving
target. My edge is attained by developing a mental toughness and
having a passion for training and competing. Those two things
separate winners and losers. First to the Finish Line...where winners and survivors always meet. Will I see you there?

Have a meaningfull life everyone...Jimmy O

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