Sunday, December 23, 2012


Hello and welcome everyone...received several positive comments
re 2x4 drills and requests for a few more of my workout drills. OK
lets go.
1)   barefoot sprinting on grass and sand and in water 2/3 foot deep.
    Always sprint on the balls of your feet. Utilize the fast twitch
    muscle fiber. If you sprint flat footed, you decrease your power
    and breakaway speed. Sprint 50m-100m, 10 times. On sand your
    legs will feel the burn.
2)   Sled pull...indoor and outdoor. Sled weighs 40lbs and I add 60
    lbs. Start standing or from sprinter's stance. Sled strap is either
    around my waist or shoulders. You have to LEAN slightly into
    pull. At least 5 sets and 30m each. Horsepower.
3)   Weights/resistance bands. I do more with the bands than     
    weights. One of the drills I do with weights is to hold a 30 to
    60 lb weight in each hand, squat and then explode upward and
    lift off the floor. Three sets with 10x each set.  Resistance bands,
    isometric drills. Upper and local body. Bands have been a big
    part of my training since 2000. More productive than weights.
4)   Weighted warps...just above the knee, 1/3 lbs. each leg. Five
       sets, 50m each set. KEY...knee lift sprints. not
       jump into these drills until you are sure your legs are well
       conditioned. Rehab is no fun.
OK, so there you have it. Merry Christmas to you and your
loved ones and a healthy and safe New Year.

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