Sunday, January 20, 2013


Hello and welcome everyone...introducing my ultimate challenge in
training. not attempt this unless you are in great physical condition. Also, have a partner join you. Find a space where there are not alot of people around. I workout alone, in a gym that is about 40 ft wide and 80 ft long. This is a 2 hour nonstop
challenge. After a 20 min. warmup, let's get started. Drills can be
done in any order.
1) holding 3 lb wt in each hand, knees bent slightly, standing in one
  place, move arms in sprinter fashion. 5 sets, 15 sec each set.
2) on treadmill, sprint at top speed as fast as you can for 45 sec.5sets. 
  Keep hands off side rails.
3) Strap a 1 lb wt slightly above each knee. Use ankle wt and place
  above knee. Sprint w/high lift. 5 sets, 20m each set.
4) sled w/40-50 lb wt. Heavy tire works also. Place strap around
  waist and hook other end to sled. Sprint 20m. 5 sets.
5) 2x4 wraped with towel or piece of carpet. Get down in sprinters
  stance with hands on 2x4 and push (sprint) for at least 10m. 5 set.
6) sprint forward and backward, 10m each way. 5 sets.
7) sprint backwards for 5m, pivot and sprint forward for 10m. 5
Drink lots of water/and coconut water. I call this conditioning
program the GASSER. I'll see you in 2 hours.

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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