Sunday, August 25, 2013


Hello and welcome everyone..,This is the seventh in our series of
eight blogs regarding "answers to your questions." Your positive
remarks has been very gratifying. Next week...a bonus for you.
This week "how do I achieve stamina/endurance?" Let me begin
this way...words to live, training, workouts, jogging,
running, weight room, swimming and so on. Staying healthy must
be "A  WAY OF LIFE." Breaking your way of life will be your
un doing. Stop eating for three days, three weeks or three months
would be a health hazard. You can't say, "well, I'll just eat twice as
much for that length of time and catch up." Really?!!! Breaking
training will erode your endurance/stamina. Each time you go into
rehab for whatever reason...erosion takes place. For me, endurance/
stamina is attained by practicing endurance drills. Called GRUNT
work. I am a sprinter, tennis, racquetball, pickleball and martial
arts athlete. Those are my core sports. Skip roping, swimming,
running backwards, plyometrics, sprinting uphill forwards and
backwards with and without holding a 12 pound weight overhead
for 20 meters and sprinting in 3 feet of water at the lake...those are
some of the drills I do for stamina/endurance. And three days a week I run 800 meters. I do all this for three months, before I start
my sport drills.

Have a meaningful life everyone...JimmyO

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