Sunday, February 15, 2015

Cross Training

Hello and welcome everyone...last week we discussed developing
explosiveness. This week...develop endurance. Swimming, tennis,
racquetball and basketball. Cross training is critical in my training.
Each day I select two sports...90 minutes each with a three minute
rest period after each 30 minutes of work. After each workout, I
run for three minutes at 50% max speed. My warm up and cool
down...20 minutes each. I follow Dr. Patrick Cohn and his work.
This past week he stated the can condition your mind toward the negative or positive. REBT...rational, emotive,
behavior, therapy. Positive thoughts over time over power negative
thoughts. The negative...thinking of ways you might get beat vs. ways you won't get beat. Most negative thoughts are self imposed.
Fate is what life gives you, destiny is what you do with it.

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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