Sunday, May 24, 2015


Hello and welcome everyone...this will be like smorgasbord, take
what you like and leave the rest for someone else. "We don't stop
playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing." George Bernard Shaw. Have you noticed how many people, young and old need "props" to get through the day...get
through life? They rely supps, junk food and worst of all...addiction. Being able to "stand alone" is key in reaching the
finish line. Take ownership of our own GPS. Let's start with some
natural, wholesome remedies. Apple Cider Vinegar, raw/unfiltered
by Bragg. Look up Dr. Karen Hammerman, dermatologist with
Vanguard. I take two tablespoons every morning. Coconut Oil,
improves cholesterol, good HDL is raised and bad LDL is lowered.
Helps burn fat. Helps keep bones and teeth healthy. Helps prevent
colon and breast cancer. Helps increase testosterone. I also use
coconut water with pineapple flavor. Stand alone vs props!

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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