Sunday, August 9, 2015

Aaa Haa Finally

Hello and welcome will conclude our discussion
on motivation. Common ground...most of us will agree that there is
more to training and competing then running to the gym and start
pumping iron. We focus on the external...looks. Because the internal...motivation is an intangible...we hedge, shy and pull away.
What we don't understand, we fear. You feel motivation, you feel
the internal. Most would rather invest in supplements than study
what motivates us. Motivation begets mental toughness and that's
the difference between giving up or giving more. Mental toughness
is all about the grind. One begins with, 1) what can I do and what
do I want to do (accomplish). 2) where do I start 3) what steps do
I take 4) how bad do I want this 5) what price 6) starting when
7) time element 8) risk/reward. Once you "feel motivation," you
will never let it lest without a fight. It's a lot better that
tricks and gimmicks. You will love that feeling. My training
routine and program.

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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