Saturday, January 16, 2016


Welcome everyone...readers from over 50 nations are following my blogs. Several have taken the time to email me...thanks to all of you. Most people resist change. "Jimmy O, I like change. No you don't. Stop it!" The sports world is finally moving toward "analytics" at the speed of a turtle. Most athletes are moving toward the mental side of competing at the same speed. Why? Fear of change. Most athletes have neglected that one part of competing/training that has the greatest impact of the outcome...the mental side. Far too many athletes focus on the physical side or as I call it, "the cute side." "How do I look?" Boys and girls, this is not a beauty contest. can I channel my energy in the right direction, rather than waste it and allow my hours of training to be wasted. Begin the "mental process" by taking inventory of 1) your skills, 2) mistakes, 3) pressures, 4) distractions, 5) focus points, 6) confidence level,7) mental toughness, 8) mental skill level. Overcoming fear is part of your mental toughness.
Have a meaningful life...Jimmy O

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