Saturday, August 6, 2016


Welcome everyone...Cindy Thrasher, 19, has won gold in the air rifle event in Rio. She also won that event, NCAA, as a freshman in college. She believes in Visualization and gives credit to that practice. The elite athletes all possess about the same skill and talent. So, what separates the elite from winners and those who fail. Visualization, imagery, mind pictures. Your mind becomes your personal camera and takes a picture of every detail. Fall asleep using visualization. And when you are sleeping your mind is still actively working. Now, we have documentation that those who practice visualization increase performance by as much a 35 %. When you can visualize, feel your self begin to act and behave as though you were already there. Repetition, practice, is the key. The Olympics in Rio will provide us with the value of the mental game.
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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