Thursday, February 23, 2017


Welcome everyone...thank you for the dozens of positive comments regarding split workouts. Splash...get into water aerobics
exercise. Also add sprinting on sand and/or in water about 3 ft. deep. Ten sprints for 30m each. Pace yourself. For energy I take Chia seeds, watermelon, ginger root, wheat grass and chlorophyll.
After a workout I drink a glass of chocolate milk and coconut water.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Split workout

Welcome everyone...this workout is for all who enter competition. Competing an entire day can be exhausting. So...the Split Work Out comes into play. Two  a days. First workout, early AM. 45 minute drills plus warm up and cool down. 20 min. each. PM workout three/four hours apart. Select five am drills and five different pm drills. This program will test you beyond any other. Beginning the pm workout will test you mental toughness. Stay with this program once a week.

Friday, February 10, 2017


Welcome everyone...finding your starting point and your finish line. Not knowing start and finish...nothing else matters. I am always amazed at how many "fitness" men and women don't document their progress or lack. Those of us who take fitness/health serious need to take notes. Exercise is the best Rx. People who stopped working old overnight! I know, I have dozens signing up for my fitness classes. Dozens of doctors agree with my doctrine.