Saturday, September 30, 2017


Welcome my followers, thank you for your comments and questions. As a competitor and athletic trainer, I designed the following drills about 20 years ago. ABS (carved), not traditional sit ups or crunches. One rule...always tightening the muscles and maintain proper technique. GO, 1) lay flat down on your back, legs straight, arms straight above your head, come up about 3-6 in. Keep arms straight above your head...NEVER beyond your forehead. Hold for count of 20. 10 reps. 2) flip over, legs straight, hands behind your back, rise up keeping legs straight and on floor for count of 20. 10 reps. 3) get on any machine where you can rest on elbows (bent), legs straight, raise legs and bend knees waist high and hold for count of 20, then legs straight out in front and hold for count of  20. Now reverse the same drill. 5 reps each way. 4) back on floor on your back, legs straight, holding a 10 lb. wt. above your
forehead, arms straight up. Don't cheat, keep ball above head, keep your legs straight and on floor, sit up, 20 reps. Next wk. 5 more...tough ones.

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