Thursday, October 26, 2017

Danger Zone

Welcome my consulting practice far to many men and women and teens come to me and state "I start an exercise/training but quit and then I can't start up again." And then they say, "can you help me?" This is an all too common "disease." People can either act to maintain their health or try and salvage what they have left. This is what I tell them..."I can't guarantee your good health will give you a longer life, but I can guarantee through exercise you will enjoy your life longer. I believe it is never too late to begin  saving your life. I get the family and friends involved. The end will come soon enough...don't help it along. I work with people of all ages including the physically and mentally challenged...people in wheel chairs and walkers and bed ridden and legally blind. That's my greatest reward in my life. Want to be motivated...get to know the people just described...enough said.

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