Sunday, March 24, 2019


Welcome and let's get started...every so often we need to shake things up. Get out the cobwebs. When fall into that "comfort zone" when training becomes easy...time to step out of the zone and challenge ourselves. Change our routine. This is what so many of us do. 20/30 min. high impact drills. After a 30 min. warm up, we speed up certain drills we have preselected drills and perhaps add 2/3 drills. At most a 30 sec. rest between drills. Need at least 5 drills for this shakeup time. You can't quit until finished. followed by 30 min. cool down...includes a 5 min. walk. You should feel exhausted...but feeling great. Warning! If you are new to your training program...stay away from this high impact program. Jimmy O

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