Monday, October 11, 2021

A Breath Ahead (2)

 Welcome everyone...Oxygen con't. IMT...inspiratory muscle training, strengthens the muscles that one uses to breath. When these muscles are strengthened regularly for a period of a few weeks they adapt, becoming stronger and being able to work longer. Initial training with a power breather, in a seated or standing position (don't slump). I have a stop watch at my side. With or w'out a breather...practice and develop your breathing exercise. Think what this can do for you...whether you are a competitor in events or involved in a basic fitness routine. You will be able to train longer and harder...have more energy to reach the finish line first. You won't poop out in that last 200 m. or the last 30 sec. You will be able to maintain your max longer and stronger...Peak Performance. Jimmy O

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