Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Oscar/Espy

Hello and welcome everyone! Next week on November 9th I will receive two awards..."Male Athlete of the Year" and the "Leadership in Fitness." I am truly
humbled and overwhelmed having been named receipiant of these prestigous awards.
This is like winning an Oscar and the Espy in one year. I will share these awards
with the people who have supported me and cancer survivors. Their encouragment never wavered and our friendship will endure for as long as I live.
So often in life, honors do not come easy, at least that is the case with me. Being
a prostate cancer survivor, I appreciate life more than ever. Each day is a journey with a destination in mind. And if I don't reach my destination on this
day, I will reach it the next....and I hope all of you will reach your destination.
Fate is what life gives you, destiny is what you do with it.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

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