Sunday, July 10, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! We can either heed the mental warnings or
sluff them off. When is it too late to do something? Each individual will have to address that. We need to address our mental toughness daily. The warning don't follow your workout schedule, cut workouts short, alarm clock becomes a nuisance, hunger, tired all the time, other
excuses and that word, depression. And one more...denial. When you feel these signs...CHANGE your routine, schedule and pattern. Even stop training for a few days. Don't become your own victim. Trick your brain. We trick our muscles, why not our brain. Value and appreciate your brain power. I have a saying, "water the flower, before it dies." I have talked to
top flight athletes who have experienced the above symptoms. Their reply, TAKE ACTION, don't wait. The power of the brain, don't waste it.
Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

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