Sunday, September 4, 2011


Hello and welcome everyone! Today, it's smorgasbord...take what you like and the rest leave for someone else. My fall and winter schedule is
back in play. Earlier personal workouts, 5:30am to 7:00am. Conducting
(so far) eight fitness classes and five pickleball classes a week. In addition, two classes a week working with the physically and mentally
challenged beginning Tuesday, Sept. 6th. And I'm having two people from my other classes accompany me to assist. This is the first step in
organizing sports teams for the physically and mentally challenged. I also
want the village board to approve an area in one of our parks specifically
for the challenged and for Seniors. My pickleball team, known as the
"Senior Class" will travel to five area high schools and play the students.
All of this stems from one thought..."perhaps the greatest threat to our
health is a lack of movement." That thought drives me to encourage
others to "get moving." There is a special and rewarding feeling when
one reaches the "functional freedom to move about."

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy 0

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