Sunday, May 11, 2014

ATP (3)

Hello and welcome everyone...the creatine-phosphate system. The
third and last method to build fresh ATP. REMINDER...ATP is
defined as adenosine tri phosphate...most important molecule in the
body. Carries energy necessary to facilitate all of the processes of
human metabolism. Each muscle cell contains another chemical
with hot phosphorus on the end...likened to a kitchen match. The
wooden part of the match is creatine, when it's phosphorus is in
place, it's called creatine-p. need creatine-p. It
doesn't need enzymes to produce energy; it explodes as needed.
Releasing energy fast enough to rebuild ATP no matter how fast you run. This is not a slow cumbersome's instantaneous.
Force yourself to learn the three energy systems, even if you're
only interested in losing weight. Next week...recap.

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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