Sunday, June 1, 2014

Psy Moment

Hello and welcome blog has covered and illustrated
various drills and exercises, plyo, iso, weight room, prep and cool
down, mental toughness, cross training, my personal training programs and most sports...also included were natural foods for
increased energy and remedies to combat pain. Getting back to new
drills...we start with breathing exercises and meditation. My reference sources are Lumosity, Dr. Oz, Johns Hopkins Inst., Mayo
Clinic and Duke Univ. Breathing exercises should be practiced at
least twice a day...benefit, expand the lungs for more oxygen capacity. More oxygen equals more energy, endurance, strength,
confidence and mental discipline. Enhances one's "performance  
rhythm." Meditation...isn't new, however it is new to the sports
world, in training prior to competing and in every day life for many
of us. The approach to proper training and competing is changing.
Our aptitude for that psychological moment is critical..."the time
when a person is most apt to react in the desired manner."
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

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