Sunday, July 27, 2014

Belly Buster

Hello everyone and last drill for hard abs. Lie flat on
the floor, legs straight, arms up overhead and hands holding a 12
pound weight (or greater). Now, keeping weight overhead, above
forehead, sit up. If you move your hands downward as you come
up. you are doing it wrong. Do five sets 10 times each. Keeping
the weight over forehead, arms outstretched is key. Attaining rock
hard abs...each drill is based on tightening stomach muscles. So, this drill and the drills posted in last week's blog will put you on
track for rock hard abs. Your hard core will help you reach a higher
level competing and working out. Over the past month we have
covered the importance of meditation, proper breathing, attaining
proper balance and developing your core. These drills will help in
ridding stress...the silent killer. Next week...foods that help reach
peak performance.

Have a meaningful life...Jimmy O

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