Sunday, August 31, 2014


Hello and welcome movie selection for the month,
100 Foot Journey and the Game Stands Tall. Question from readers
Sprint while holding  weights...with a 3/5 weight in each hand, sprint 30/40 meters...pump those arms! Now The Climb, one of my
favorite drills, once a week. Hill is 40m long with a 20m elevation.
Sprint five times. Then kangaroo hops for 10m, 5 times. Sprint 5
times backward for 10m. Sprint 5 times on one foot for 5m and then the other foot for 5m. With a 15 lb weight, squat hold weight
with both hands and spring upwards and reaching high over head,
5 times. Sprint down the hill 5 times. Next drill, holding a 3/5 lb
weight in each hand sprint up hill, pump those arms...5 times. You
can mix up the drills, doing one each all the way to 5. You will feel
discomfort in your chest. Stretch for 20 min. before and after drills.
You can't find a hill? Find a stadium with at least 50 steps. You can
do the same drills on stairs as well as the hill. Write down all drills
prior to workout and keep track.
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

Sunday, August 24, 2014


Hello and welcome begins my series on "ultimate
challenge." First, a comment on lemon and cucumber. Lemon: gives immune system a boost. High in potassium, aids in digestion,
cleanses your system, freshens your breath, curbs appetite, lose wt.
Cucumber: keeps you hydrated, fights heartburn, flushes out toxins, energy booster, fights cancer.
Ultimate Challenge...we start on level ground for first two weeks,
every other day. Place a 20 lb weight at starting point and 20 lb weight 10 meters apart. Pick up weight at starting point w/both hands on weight and holding out in front of you and sprint the 10
meters, set weight down and pick up the other weight and sprint
backwards to starting point. Set weight down and pick up two five
lb weights, one in each hand and sprint 30 meters, turn and sprint
back to starting point. Three sets. Laying flat on your back and use
a 10 lb weight, legs straight out, hold weight at least one foot above
stomach and drop weight on stomach 10x. Five sets. Now stretch
for at least 20 min. Next week...the hill climb.
Have a meaningful life everyone. Jimmy O

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Hello and welcome everyone...this past week I had a chance to visit
with a dentist, an MD and a nutritionist/herbalist. The following is
what I came away with and want share it with you. Red flags and
your health...things perhaps we don't see or feel...until it's too late.
Avoid alcohol entirely. Why? It depletes zinc, magnesium, copper,
iron and some B complex vitamins. It also causes dehydration,
causes yeast overgrowth, blood sugar imbalances and damages brain tissues. Makes your body acidic and becomes toxic to all your
organs. Adrenals go into exhaustion and increasing blood pressure.
Gum disease increases the risk of head and neck cancer. Gum disease increases pancreatic and kidney cancer. 93% of people with
gum disease are at risk for diabetes. Bacteria in your mouth travel
travel to other parts of your body and bloodstream. People with gum disease are twice as likely to die from heart disease and three
times as likely to die from stroke. Research has found an association between gum disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Wishing
all of you good health.
Have a meaningful life...Jimmy O

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Hello and welcome last week's blog I promised a walk/drive down a path or side road. I take this walk/drive three or
four times a year. The day began with a 5 minute meditation. Then
I took a 20 minute drive to visit men and women with mental and
physical challenges. I conduct exercise classes for many of these men and women. Why? They motivate me. When I work with
them, I am in awe of how hard they try. They have no boundaries. No complaining. All they want is a chance to be all they can be.
From there I'm off to visit men and women of all ages who suffer
from cancer. I am a prostate cancer survivor. They look to me for is me searching for motivation. When you are
approached by someone who says..."I only have six weeks to live,"
those words will make you stop in your tracks. For a few moments
life becomes a feel faint. You get a different perspective
on life. I always ask myself this question, "why is it that people with less, find a way to give more." More than "perfect people."
Have a meaningful life everyone.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Fuel Pump

Hello and welcome everyone...fuel for the body, the right fuel is vital for anyone to attain "peak performance."  I have selected a few that work. Cucumber...contains most of the vitamins you need
every day, B1, B2 B3 B5, B6, folic acid,vit C, iron, magnesium,
potassium and Zinc. Also, an energy boost. Apples improves lung
capacity and cushions joints. Apricots slows aging process. Beets
aids in weight loss. Blueberries boosts memory. Broccoli controls
blood pressure and strengthens bones. Cabbage aids weight loss.
Carrots promotes weight loss. Cauliflower protects against prostate
cancer and combats breast cancer. Cherries slows aging process.
Grapes enhances blood flow. Honey increases energy. Mangoes
boosts memory and regulates thyroid. Mushrooms helps control
blood pressure, strengthens bones, kills bacteria. Peanuts promotes
weight loss, combats prostate cancer. Sweet potatoes lifts mood.
Tomatoes protect prostate and so does watermelon. Walnuts boosts
memory. Wheat Germ combats colon cancer. Next week, back road.
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O