Sunday, August 17, 2014


Hello and welcome everyone...this past week I had a chance to visit
with a dentist, an MD and a nutritionist/herbalist. The following is
what I came away with and want share it with you. Red flags and
your health...things perhaps we don't see or feel...until it's too late.
Avoid alcohol entirely. Why? It depletes zinc, magnesium, copper,
iron and some B complex vitamins. It also causes dehydration,
causes yeast overgrowth, blood sugar imbalances and damages brain tissues. Makes your body acidic and becomes toxic to all your
organs. Adrenals go into exhaustion and increasing blood pressure.
Gum disease increases the risk of head and neck cancer. Gum disease increases pancreatic and kidney cancer. 93% of people with
gum disease are at risk for diabetes. Bacteria in your mouth travel
travel to other parts of your body and bloodstream. People with gum disease are twice as likely to die from heart disease and three
times as likely to die from stroke. Research has found an association between gum disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Wishing
all of you good health.
Have a meaningful life...Jimmy O

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