Sunday, May 31, 2015


Hello and welcome everyone...those of you who have followed me
for the past 10 years know I select a hero every week. This week,
Admiral McRaven, Navy Seal. Google him for his speech. OK, lets
go. For energy from around the globe...callaloo, chia fresca, congee, guarana, marmite, matcha green tea, muesli, plain popcorn,
and yerba mate. Injuries are a major problem for all of us...hammy,
quad, calf, shoulder and elbow. And in hot humid weather, most of
think we dot have to stretch. WRONG! Muscles shrink up to 30%
in that climate. Stretch and consume more water to maintain peak
performance. And in answer to many requests..."what's the best
home workout equipment?" I have set up 100's with this for under
40.00. Exercise ball, at least 75cm. 2) stretch band 3) foot sponge.
Next week I will spell out exercises for those three.
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Hello and welcome everyone...this will be like smorgasbord, take
what you like and leave the rest for someone else. "We don't stop
playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing." George Bernard Shaw. Have you noticed how many people, young and old need "props" to get through the day...get
through life? They rely supps, junk food and worst of all...addiction. Being able to "stand alone" is key in reaching the
finish line. Take ownership of our own GPS. Let's start with some
natural, wholesome remedies. Apple Cider Vinegar, raw/unfiltered
by Bragg. Look up Dr. Karen Hammerman, dermatologist with
Vanguard. I take two tablespoons every morning. Coconut Oil,
improves cholesterol, good HDL is raised and bad LDL is lowered.
Helps burn fat. Helps keep bones and teeth healthy. Helps prevent
colon and breast cancer. Helps increase testosterone. I also use
coconut water with pineapple flavor. Stand alone vs props!

Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Hello and welcome...WOW, what a great response to last week's blog. And to my appearing in the social media...twitter, face book.
linkedin and google. Thank you. OK, most of us "inhale" all sorts of supps to get an "edge." Then many of us plunk down at the food
trough And guzzle junk/garbage and undo everything. Stay away from...1)processed meats 2)margarine 3)surgery cereals 4)fast food
burgers...even parasites were found 5)donuts 6)microwave popcorn
7)toaster pastries 8)bagels 9)blended coffee drinks 10)soda, drinking soda can age you as much as smoking This study and report did not make headlines...why? Research by American Journal of Public Health. BMC Medicine. Academy of Nutrition and Dieteties. Georgie Fear RJ. author of Lean Habits for Life Long Weight Loss. Label "0 trans fat" is not always the truth.
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Brown Univ. Get the
book 21 Day Shred cookbook. Eat healthy...stay healthy.
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Climb vs Downhill

Hello and welcome everyone...lots of positive response to the last few blogs. And requests for more on Mental Toughness and how to acquire it. In my experience and the experience of many others, acquiring mental toughness, that challenge presents itself daily. You either climb up mentally or slide down...that's giving up. If you can increase mental toughness by 1% you will overcome fear,
negativity and anxiety. You write the script. Visualize yourself as
already being there. Create a word, or phrase or motto...mine is NOW. "Don't let go of the rope." Success doesn't come at us like a
water comes at us one drop at a time. And one fails a little
at a time. Grip the rope.
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O

Sunday, May 3, 2015

High Motor Jolt

Hello and welcome everyone...who motivates the motivator? An age old question...whether you are a die-hard competitor or a casual
"stay in shape" person, all of us need a jolt once in awhile. Strategies for maintaining High Motivation...1) what are your expected outcomes from each drill/session? 2) Find the why. 3) Make it fun. 4) Focus and refocus. 5) Think of your competitors.
Make/design workouts that are tougher than the actual event. 6) Go
back to basics. 7) Rid the status quo. 8) Write things down, don't
rely on memory. 9) Change routine...create muscle confusion.
10) Go!
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O