Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Inner Game

Hello and welcome everyone...Competing against others is one game. Competing against yourself the other game...thee game. Whether you are in competition or not, You always compete vs. yourself. Challenge yourself. The INNER game. Be aware of where you and who you are. Be aware of the "moment" and instinctive. Things change from training/practice to the "heat of the battle." Isolate your thoughts to the "NOW." The big 3...awareness, commitment and in yourself is key to winning. 
Have a meaningful life...Jimmy O

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Crafting a Champion

Hello and welcome everyone...the word craft is descriptive of the beer industry and is our working title of this nine year research endeavor regarding " how to achieve a healthy and happy life. Hundreds of men and women of all ages and a cross section of professional and occupations. The full report will be released July 1, 2016. The following is a brief preview..."what is vital in your quest for a healthy and happy life?" Ans. You must have a healthy self counterfeits. Work and exercise is a vital therapy for balance in one's life. Health eating is critical for longevity. Acquire a taste for healthy foods. Staying in your comfort zone is a curse...danger zone. Roadblocks to crafting a champion...stress, loneliness, abuse, addiction, laziness, indifference, conventional thinking, negative thinking and selfishness. The negative reduces people to 0.Stop dreaming and you stop essence you stop living.
Have a meaningful life everyone...Jimmy O