Sunday, November 28, 2010


Hello and welcome everyone! Now I know you read my blog...When I am
late, I hear about it. Let's spend some time talking about "mental fitness."
From my own personal experience and listening to others, this is what I
have learned. If we don't apply "will power," we fail. When we put off
starting an exercise or workout program, we become weak...SOFT. To get
there, START HERE! Why do we make the same mistakes over and over again? If your doctor orders an rx, would we put off getting it? When it comes to our health...let's attend to it...NOW! Think about this...when we exercise much has to do with counting up to 10 or some number and we begin to exercise mental toughness. Wait a minute...what about when we
are not exercising? We let ourselves off the hook. We reward ourselves
with all kinds of stuff. "I deserve it." NO, deny yourself. Mental toughness
is not a sometime's an all the time thing.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Freedom of Movement

Hello and welcome everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! As promised...highlights from my "Balance
Your Life" fitness classes. Starting the third year and growing. When I first started the class I
had three women show up. I thought...this is never going to work. Now over 400 men and women will participate. The foundation of the class is developing the "core," posture, technique
and deep breathing. The results...attain a higher degree of functional balance, strength and self-
confidence. All of this is triggered by the mental exercises. We train and retrain the brain to
become active and send the proper message to the select muscle group for the designated
function..."what we want our body to do." I am always amazed at how each individual is able to
accomplish better functional balance in a short period of time. Preventing falls is another
realistic result. Gaining confidence and feeling younger is attained by everyone. Living a better
life is what it's all about. That's the reward for all. My reward...being a part of someone's
success. We use and exercise ball, resistance band, a chair, soccer ball and tennis ball. No weights.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Startup!

Hello and welcome everyone! Well, I have had my 15 seconds of fame and now it's back to reality. Both award ceremonies were awsome and the memories will always be vivid in my mind.
Worked out this morning and am in full swing for the coming year. Start TRX on Monday.
Google TRX and see for yourself. Will update you in 30 days. I am into a tough conditioning
program for the next 60 days and then will start sprinting again. Did mostly plyo today and abs.
Next from my class "Balance Your Life."

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Oscar/Espy

Hello and welcome everyone! Next week on November 9th I will receive two awards..."Male Athlete of the Year" and the "Leadership in Fitness." I am truly
humbled and overwhelmed having been named receipiant of these prestigous awards.
This is like winning an Oscar and the Espy in one year. I will share these awards
with the people who have supported me and cancer survivors. Their encouragment never wavered and our friendship will endure for as long as I live.
So often in life, honors do not come easy, at least that is the case with me. Being
a prostate cancer survivor, I appreciate life more than ever. Each day is a journey with a destination in mind. And if I don't reach my destination on this
day, I will reach it the next....and I hope all of you will reach your destination.
Fate is what life gives you, destiny is what you do with it.

Have a great and meaningful life everyone! Jimmy O