Sunday, January 19, 2014


Welcome everyone...yes, after seven years of designing and facilitating fitness classes, clinics and athletic camps I am making
a change. Over this time period I have conducted over 3500 classes
and clinics. I will continue to blog and deliver motivational speeches, finish writing my book and producing videos on fitness.
Let's get started...most of us search for the truth in life, in sports and training/fitness. I am convinced we are limited because we cling to our limitations. We cling to our past ways of doing things. We rely on muscle memory to get it done. We practice/train muscles instead of "brain training." The endless mystery of "how to
get better." There will always be someone who "gets it." The brain
has to be in gear before the muscles can perform to our liking. Get
out of your comfort zone. Habit vs rut.
Have a meaningful life everyone...JimmyO

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