Sunday, October 19, 2014


Welcome everyone...let's start off with wishing Anna Stoehr a Happy Birthday. Anna from MN, USA turned 114 on 10/17. Veggies have an expiration date...not humans. Let's explore my three key words and them to training and workouts. 1) Password.
2) Gap. 3) No Fly Zone. Each one of us must have a key to open
the treasure of 100's of different drills and exercises. So, we need to
change our mind set from going through the motions in our workouts to efficiency. Efficiency is the line between results expected and results achieved. So much in life centers on time,
distance, numbers and connections. Discover your password, derived from being true to yourself. Gap...empty space. Notice when people talk and have nothing to say, they repeat themselves
or slow down their speech pattern. No Gap. No fly zone...stay away
from drills that threaten you health...injury. Rehab is more costly
and time consuming than proper workouts, proper warm up and
cool down. Happy birthday Anna.
Have a meaningful life everyone. Jimmy O

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