Sunday, September 20, 2015


Welcome everyone...let's begin this way, "I have done it this way all my life, my mind is made up, now don't confuse me with the facts." Or, if you don't want to get better, stop reading this. OK, for those of you still with me, let's go. Mental toughness update: Tons of research/info re "the mental game" has surfaced and backed (now) and supported by coaches, GMs, ADs and athletes of all ages
and level of play. These same groups who down graded and laughed at previous data are now endorsing certified claims of mental coaches. The sports landscape's battle cry was "just work harder/longer, that's all we need." Yah right. Athletes, coaches and
fans want an edge. For years, "that edge" was ???. You know what
it was. Why is it that anything in a bottle or the end of a needle is
the answer to the EDGE? No one is saying "you don't have to work hard." Now athletes and all the Sports World is embracing " the
NATURAL way...and before you win, you have to prepare." There
are tons of info on this subject matter...get it. The Motivational DNA...being body smart, grinder, patience, daily goals, passion,
winner attitude, vision, expectation, quest for knowledge and prep.
Have a meaningful...Jimmy O

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