Saturday, June 1, 2019

Brain Boosters and MORE

Welcome asked for it , so let's get started. Mood boosters, depression fighters and wt. loss. Halibut, wt. loss. Beets,, stabilizer + folic. Seaweed, fights depression. Blueberry juice, wt. loss + fat cells. Asparagus. Red bell pepper, vit. A+C, mood booster. Coconut. Dark Chocolate, incr. blood flow. Eggs. Greek or Icelandic yogurt. Honey. Cherry Tomatoes, fights depression and inflammation. Spinach. Flaxseed, high in Omaga 3. Salmon. Crab. Bananas. Brussels sprouts. Chicken. Lemon. Tuna. Walnuts. Coffee. Brown rice, gluten free. Keifer. Mackerel. Orange. There you have it. All are mood boosters...will give you more ambition, energy and a good feeling about yourself. Energy + and confidence.
You may feel different within 5/7 days as your body adjusts and changes. I will provide more at a later date. Happy eating.

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