Sunday, June 23, 2019

Speech Exerpts

Welcome everyone and let's get  started...the following excerpts are from a speech I gave 3 days ago to a group of business owners and execs. "There is a direct parallel between sports and business. How we prepare, structure and implement and 'action plan' is closely related... the critical path from start to finish. More and more of society accepts failure, 'excuse zone' than success. If you accept failure it will find you...if you accept success you will find it. Competitors w/a negative attitude (whiners, complainers) are doomed to fail. Men and women with a positive attitude rise up to reach that coveted platform of success, accomplishment. Chronic negative attitude, is taking that 'fail pill.' Failure is a 'weight' that drags you to the bottom pit. Positive attitude is  the 'take off' to greater heights than you ever dreamed possible. First to the Finish Line...where winners and survivors always meet."

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