Monday, December 30, 2019

Game On (1)

Welcome everyone...first in a series on BALANCE. Thousands of men, women and children from ages 3 to 106 have participated in this program. Athletes and non athletes...from Pros to weekend develop and/or re gain skills and performance. Already after just one session, you will notice a "better you." You will enhance, develop and use both new skills and enhanced skill level. "Father Time" spares no one. This is the same program I have installed in hospitals, schools and corps. New the year 2030 over 50% of the population will be obese. I think it will be in 5 years. So, for greater physical and mental fitness, alertness, increase in memory and over all greater health tune in next week.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Christmas Wish

Merry Christmas everyone...peace to all, family, neighborhood, community. Extend a hand, a smile, a greeting. Focus for a day on the next person. A simple hug will get someone through the day. You can make their day...and yours. A gift that doesn't need a bow. My Christmas heroes...twin 4 yr. old girls crawled out the broken glass back window of their auto and walked 4 miles for help to save their father. Their father, Cory Simmons, died in the accident. Joe Burrows, 2019 Heisman winner. Great acceptance speech. Debbie Dingell, wife of the late US Rep. John Dingel, MI. So, to all of you, inner peace and friendship. Jimmy

Saturday, December 14, 2019


Welcome everyone...when asked this question, "what is the best over all exercise for any age?" My reply, "Balance exercises!!!" Starting at infancy, pre school age, high school and beyond. At younger ages...handling fast growth problems, then adapting to various athletic (sports) skills.  Some of my clients are 4 and 5 years old. Developing various motor skills. The skills we develop as we age...will begin to diminish if we don't sharpen certain skill sets. To "sharpen" applies to brain activity as well as the physical. And that's the key to maintain and sustain. Don't be fool hardy with the thought "not me." I have scores of  "not me" men, women and teen agers belonging to my alumni. No matter what phase of your "down turn" you are at...start the re build now. Next writing...Balance Exercises.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

click 'Refresh'

Welcome everyone...for me the next 4 wks. is 'refresh time' for brain and body. No pounding, no high impact. Time to elongate my muscles with certain stretches. Time to 'gear down' to neutral mentally. I do not review or plan...that's for the 5th wk. I think about blue waters, fields of Indigo and blue skies.  I must recharge my batteries. The need to feel my body and brain power. For 45 wks. I rely on my brain to "gear up," now is the time to have my brain "gear down." Three other ingredients...meditation, healthy eating, sleep. Call it...going on a retreat. Jimmy O

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Welcome everyone...Ever since my youth, Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. The, friendship, hugs, laughs and of course turkey with all the trimmings with seconds on every thing. Friendship cannot be measured by fractions, slide rule or score card. It's about feelings..."I like me best when I'm with you." You have had an impact on my life. Thank you for coming into my life. Fate is what life gives you...destiny is what you do with it.  your friend always, Jimmy  See you again on 11/30/19.

Monday, November 11, 2019


Welcome and let's go...this is a great time of year to 'grade' your workouts, drills, performance, # and type of drills, time invested, money invested. Your supplements profile. Cross training...what sports are you active. There are over 100 different sports out there. Pic two (or more) and play. You want to be challenged and energized. Even play against younger people. Time wasted, will never be recovered.
I founded this blog Jan. 2003. Scores of men and women have been with me since then. Deep appreciation for your loyalty and all the newcomers along the way. My Hero this week...Greta Thunberg, age 16, Sweden.

Thursday, October 31, 2019


Welcome everyone and let's get to it. Most people work both arms and legs together. For 'equal balance' of your each leg and each arm separately. There is a difference in strength. In addition to body balance...'unbalance' affects your decision making. If your brain is hesitant...there goes your self confidence...your training, your event. Once you lose faith in yourself, it takes a long time to get back. The most minute things always mean the difference between winning and losing.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Picture Yourself

Welcome everyone...yes, all of us want to see positive results. Let's think in reverse for a moment. How long did it take for you to get to "the picture of yourself" at this point? A year...5 years...10 years or longer. That long huh? Getting to where you want to be (look), What will it take...patience, discipline, grinder attitude, winning disposition. The main reason people don't see any results is becuz they perform the same routine day in and day out. Let's get started with abs. 1) skip rope. 5 sets. Skip for 30 sec., rest for 30 sec. This drill every other day. 2) Prone position, on your toes and bent elbows directly below shoulders and raise off floor, count to 30, rest for 30 sec., 5 sets. 3) On your back, legs straight, arms overhead, raise upper body about 3 inches off floor and hold for 30 sec. 5 sets. All of the above every other day. Begin to notice stomach tightness after 4th session.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Welcome and woman want to know their least most of us. That goes for the casual workout person to the competitor workout person. Designing your own "limitation" workout is one thing...having a stress test by a professional is quite another. Search for someone in the medical field or college/university. What ever our workout purpose is, our health is paramount...and peace of mind. Peak Performance is a worthy goal. We can age...but we don't have to get old. Getting old is a human phase. Aging is a choice. Your mental intelligence is your guide. We get advice from various sources...what is your internal choice? There is no "dress rehearsal" in life. Make it count.
Every human counts.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Welcome everyone...Your weekly schedule is your roadmap to fitness greatness. You will encounter detours...handle them.  Never allow detours  to be your excuses for failure. Climbing MT. Everest, you wouldn't keep looking at the peak...NO, you would look a few ft. ahead of you. You climb a ladder, do you look strictly at the top rung...NO, you look at the next step to take. Your roadmap to your success is your daily and weekly schedule. You don't have a schedule...then you don't have a roadmap...then you will never get there. Tip of the week...toning for arms and shoulders. Wall Push outs...stand comfortable distance from wall, hands on wall and lean against wall and slowly push out, at this point you should still have a slight forward lean. Ideal toning for triceps. Have your workout partner stand behind you and push slightly against you. Do 10-25 every other day. See and feel results after just 5 sessions.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

When? NOW!

Welcome everyone...let's get started. Everyone says, "I'm going to start working out, or training, or lose weight, or..." Yah, but when? Stop with all those 'blue sky goals.' You want to be somewhere, the toughest step is the first step...START. So, let's start. We want to align your body...balance is key. At the office, sit on an exercise ball instead of an office chair. Your waistline should be at the same height as the desk top. Just for five min. twice a day. Inside of a one week you will feel a better, stronger balance. Your stomach muscles will begin to tighten. Practice taking deeper breaths. Inside of three weeks, you will do away with the office chair. All future writings (weekly) I will add another tip.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Rope a Dope

Welcome everyone and lets go...remember those words from Ali. Lets add bungee cord. This is out of the realm of most. Why? We have a comfort zone. Work the rope for 2 min. rest for 30 sec. 3 sets to start. Your entire body will awaken. Especially arms, legs, shoulders, stomach. UMPH! Next, end tied to a fixed object and he other around your waist. Ten foot cord. Sprint forward, keep feet moving. 5 sets. Sprint backwards. Endurance, power, muscle confusion, brain stimulant.

Monday, September 9, 2019


Welcome everyone and let's go. Every change of season, for most of us, our mood changes...and possible lower energy level. From a personal standpoint and interviewing dozens of individuals, when you feel this...change your fitness/training routine. For some, even the foods you normally eat tastes different and people change foods slightly and even snacks...with some, even the times of day they eat, changes. Don't sit around and do nothing...move. For some, getting a workout partner helps if only for a brief period. Yours, and my mental health is of paramount importance to everyone. This writing is in no way meant to cause undue concern. A health tip that many athletes have taken advantage of...for aches and pain...chronic, rub on Wintergreen...and Arnicare (cream) for Acute pain. Jimmy O

Sunday, September 1, 2019


Welcome everyone and let's go. Thanks to all the ladies and their appreciation for the previous writings. Quickness is not only necessary but a requirement in any sport. Growing up on my parent's farm, I had the luxury of a board & bat siding on our barn. I would throw the ball against the barn from about 30 feet away and never knew which direction the ball was going until it hit. Starting at age 8. Little did I know that the hours spent (2 hr. a day) I was preparing myself to be really quick...that first step. Take a tennis size rubber ball against any surface or on any roof, throw it and don't move until it hits. Change up and alter the height of the ball to get a different bounce back. Take the same size ball and /or a soccer ball and drop/toss so your foot is going keep bouncing the ball in the air. Didn't say it was going to be easy...but fun and well worth the effort. Get a 5 year old to do it with you. The child wins!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Women Only (2)

Welcome everyone...for 11 years I facilitated a fitness class for women, avg. age 50. I referred to them as 'miracle gals.' Avg. size class, 37. All should have gone into modeling. Let's talk 'body alignment.' Stocking feet are restrictive. Walk around the house in stocking feet, no shoes. Go up and down stairs on the balls of your feet. If your body is not aligned properly, your toning will follow suit. Calves, precious 'show muscle.' Up on your toes, 4 directional walk. Sideways, do a cross over. 3 sets 30 sec each set to start. Now, sit on floor and place hands over toes and pull back slowly and hold for 20 sec. Do 3 x. Will relax the calf muscles. That buttocks...using a 1/2 or 1 lb. wt. in each hand (to start), ft. about 6 inches apart and squat about 1 ft. and back up. Slowly. 10 to a set w/max of 3 sets. You can do a walk (lunge) and do 10/20 steps. All of the above 2x a week to start. Max 3x wk. You will begin to notice positive results by the end of 2nd wk. You may feel a slight burn in those areas..that's the pushing out of 'baby fat' and muscle tightening of muscles. Also, your balance will be much better and will make you a better dance.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

For Women Only

Welcome to our special edition. The following "model" exercises are a few of the most popular in my program. 1) triceps...need a bench, right knee on bench, left leg on floor, reach down for one or two lb. wt., stay bent over, four step motion. A. Pull wt. to chest high, B,  move wt. straight back and hold for count of 10, do not bend elbow, C, bring wt. back to chest, D, straight down w/wt. Do not swing wt. Do  3/5 sets daily. 2) Wall push outs. Stand about 18 inches from wall, hands chest high against wall w/chest against wall and push out slowly. 5 sets, 10 to each set. 3) Tummy. Lay flat on your stomach, elbows aligned under shoulders, come up about 3/4 inches and hold for 20 sec. Start w/5 sets. Moving to higher impact...just move elbows forward a few inches. 4) Lay flat on your back, w/arms straight above your head, raise up just a couple of inches and hold for count of 10. I don't believe in sit ups or crunches. They just move the fat around. My belief...tighten the tummy! If you do all of these every other day, you will feel results in 3 days and begin to see results in 5 days. You should feel a slight "burn" in 2 days. Next off and calves. Jimmy O

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Your next challenge

Welcome everyone...we need to come face to face with ourselves. And, we need to challenge least ounce a yr. Take your normal drills on any given day and record the results of each drill...if you are in competition, record results of your events. You try to beat your best. Wear a stop watch. We need to measure our workouts. Challenge yourself. Wanting to get better is not enough. Your attitude must be..."I have to get better, N. O. W."  Passion.Vision. Accomplishment. You will learn a lot about yourself. Without this will always be the that what you really want?  First to the Finish Line...where winners and survivors always.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Avoiding Low Energy (part 2)

Welcome everyone...part 2 of 2. Poor or wrong oral care can lead to gum disease, oral cancer, dry mouth, bulimia, cardiovascular disease, dementia, respiratory infections...bacteria in the mouth from infected teeth and swollen gums can be breathed into the lungs or travel there through the blood stream. Once there the bacteria can lead to infections, pneumonia, acute bronchitis. Also diabetes, pregnancy complications, infertility, erectile dysfunction, cancer, kidney disease, rhematoid arthritis. From a personal standpoint... five days in the hospital, I vowed to learn how to take better care of my oral hygiene. If this info helps just one person, this writing will be rewarded. Perhaps we should pay more attention to "internal looks" as opposed to external. My thanks to the dental assoc., academy of general dentistry and current and past dental patients.

Monday, July 29, 2019

You Asked for it/ ENERGY

Welcome seems we never have enough energy. So after numerous requests, I decided to take a different and unusual approach...the dentist. I suffered from dry mouth. That lead to respiratory infections, bacteria got into my lungs and bloodstream, resulting in breathing problems, shortness of breath, low energy. Pneumonia in Feb., Mar., of 2018. Pay attention to dental hygiene. Not caring enough or wrongly can be a disaster for you. Limit acidic and sugar juice and foods. Your mouth needs saliva. Salivary glands produces saliva which neutralizes acid. Washes away bacteria that causes decay. Worse yet, Bulimia. Next writing, part 2. Disclaimer...I am not a spokesperson for the dental profession, association or affiliates. Jimmy O  

Monday, July 22, 2019


Welcome everyone...most of us scramble to get things done. So much to do with so little time...or so it seems. What do you do during "idle" time.  Reading, watching tv, at your desk, passenger in car and so long as you are not annoying anyone. Anytime you are in a sitting position, place a golf ball, tennis ball, soccer ball one foot at a time and rotate multi directional. Feel a great message. Stimulate your nerve endings. Relax. Now try both feat at a time. 10, 20, 30 min. Another, feet 6-8 inches from wall, place soccer ball or exercise ball at small of back, lean back against wall and move slowly up and down about 6-8 inches and from side to side. 10-20 min. Great message! At your desk, sit on an exercise ball,(at least 125cm), you will learn a lot about you posture and balance. Passenger in auto, use a spring squeeze. One hand at a time. Change hands about every 25 sec. Total time, up to you. Great way to build power in your grip and wrist. Next writing..."you asked for it."

Monday, July 15, 2019

Tape Measure

Welcome everyone and let's get started. Much of life is about time, distance, numbers and connections. Yet so many of us fail to track progress...whether you are an accasional workout person (walker) or a daily performer and perhaps in competition. No matter what level you choose or evolve to...track your progress. Time, drills. Use a stop watch and tape measure. Track your sprints/running drills. Measure your size of various muscle groups. All at least once a week. Have patience with your weekly results. For some, out of shape, over weight, low self  esteem, ask yourself, how long did it take you to get to that level...years? You can't undo in a week, what it took you months and years of getting out of shape. And if you are just getting starting...Stop with the goals. Work on your mental fitness and don't let yourself down. You will never know how it feels in your other world, until you live in it. Don't give up on yourself.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Reverse your Aging Process

Welcome everyone and let's get started. Most of us want to reduce that aging process...the exception...a certain % of my readers (teens) want to get older...faster. Advertising and product, "on reversing the aging process" is a multi Billion yearly business. Yet, we keep going back to EXERCISE as the one sure source of age reversal. Your mental attitude is the igniter. Physical and mental exercise are your resources. As we age people count the things they can't do year by year. That is not living...that's trying to survive until that comes to an end. Functional mobility is critical. Talk to people who are now physically challenged. Don't fall into the 'class' of "I used to run, then I used to walk, then, I used to be able to sit up and then, I used to be able to breath on my own and then..." Write down your functional living exercise map and then follow it. Add v. subtract. Get behind the wheel of your life and live it. I can't promise you that you will add years to your life, but I can promise you will add LIFE to your years. Jimmy O

Sunday, June 30, 2019


Welcome everyone...let's get started. Aaahh yes, those well conceived shortcuts...slashing time and number of drills/exercises. The "shortcut hwy." is a well traveled road and most people are short changed. Most have to be 'towed' off that road. Skid marks cover the dreams and goals of well intended men and women. People slack off on time, technique, reps, challenge and thrill of achievement. Their self image falls through the floor...back to being a quitter. Organize next week this Friday. Your ability to organize next week's fitness plan becomes your "boss." Friday pushes Mon., Mon. pushes Fri. Yes, we all need someone to push achieve and reach for more. What is your capacity for  more...for work?

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Speech Exerpts

Welcome everyone and let's get  started...the following excerpts are from a speech I gave 3 days ago to a group of business owners and execs. "There is a direct parallel between sports and business. How we prepare, structure and implement and 'action plan' is closely related... the critical path from start to finish. More and more of society accepts failure, 'excuse zone' than success. If you accept failure it will find you...if you accept success you will find it. Competitors w/a negative attitude (whiners, complainers) are doomed to fail. Men and women with a positive attitude rise up to reach that coveted platform of success, accomplishment. Chronic negative attitude, is taking that 'fail pill.' Failure is a 'weight' that drags you to the bottom pit. Positive attitude is  the 'take off' to greater heights than you ever dreamed possible. First to the Finish Line...where winners and survivors always meet."

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Head for the Beach

Welcome everyone...let's get to it. Ideal for running, swimming, jumping. You can do all three in water and two on sand. All three give you a power workout. Building upper body, quads, leg and kick. Doing various sprints on sands for 20/30 min. will give your quads a 'burn' for2/3 days. Women...if you want tighter (smaller) legs and a larger butt, sprint on sand and uphill if possible. Running in 2/3 ft. of water is also great. Jumping in water shoulder high, straight and kangaroo is a booster. Holding your breath under water will increase (lengthen) your breathing.

Saturday, June 8, 2019


Welcome and let's go...I have shared the word Impact with 1000's of men and women seminars, classes and motivational speeches. Most of us get into a 'funk' and get bored with life itself. I is for image, self image. The image of who you are is your basis. Can you define yourself? If you can't describe who you are...start. M is for maturity. That's the evolving, learning process in life. Stop complicating your life. P is for purpose in's more than writing down your goals and taping them to the frig door. Visualize where you want to be, what you want to be doing and then act and behave as though where already there. A is for attitude...always a positive mind frame. Not allowing the negative to block your vision. Never waste time on trivial stuff. C is for courage. The practice of high ethical standards. That's your leverage. Courage to defend your beliefs. T is for touch, the human touch. Develop a sensitivity for people. all our relationships, water the flower before it dies. The impact that you make in life is in direct proportion  to your own self image. Jimmy O

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Brain Boosters and MORE

Welcome asked for it , so let's get started. Mood boosters, depression fighters and wt. loss. Halibut, wt. loss. Beets,, stabilizer + folic. Seaweed, fights depression. Blueberry juice, wt. loss + fat cells. Asparagus. Red bell pepper, vit. A+C, mood booster. Coconut. Dark Chocolate, incr. blood flow. Eggs. Greek or Icelandic yogurt. Honey. Cherry Tomatoes, fights depression and inflammation. Spinach. Flaxseed, high in Omaga 3. Salmon. Crab. Bananas. Brussels sprouts. Chicken. Lemon. Tuna. Walnuts. Coffee. Brown rice, gluten free. Keifer. Mackerel. Orange. There you have it. All are mood boosters...will give you more ambition, energy and a good feeling about yourself. Energy + and confidence.
You may feel different within 5/7 days as your body adjusts and changes. I will provide more at a later date. Happy eating.

Monday, May 27, 2019


Welcome everyone...this is a day to remember those who lost their lives for freedom the world over. It is a day to think of their families also...victims. Pray. Have a safe Holiday. Jimmy O

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Welcome everyone...let's get started. I call X training the "glue" that brings everything together...for conquer yourself. Pic and choose and in any order. 1) any form of  Martial Arts, 2) Aerobics, platform and or water, 3) in lieu of Martial Arts, Large punching bag for arms, legs, feet...go for 60 sec. per set. 4) Hiking, 5) Choose a non-event sport(s), 6) tumbling/gymnastics, 7) Biking, 8) Horseback riding, 9) Rock climbing. You get the idea. Results expected...brain stimulant, discipline, toughness and control. Meet your challenge! jimmy o "Profiles in Leadership" at

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Gravity Pull

Welcome everyone and let's get started. The weight room or sweat shop. History of weights is truly historic. Irons, concrete, tractor tires, logs, cars. Wow! Let's break it down, shoulders, chest, back, arms, legs, neck. Schedule, flow, technical, comfort level. Increasing weights is less important than doing it right. Stay away from that that 5 letter word...I-n-j-u-r-y. When working legs, work each leg separately on most drills. You want the same power in each leg. continue drills until the end...finish. Start and stop drills are a curse. Leave the cell phone locked in your car. Keep business and social separate. Work out in front of a mirror and pay attention to your technique. Ask the guys who are missing about that. Don't drop those weights, set them down and we don't care about your grunting. This is business, not a reality show.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Why so Many Injuries?

Welcome everyone and let's get started...physical therapy  has become the hot occupation...thanks in large degree to muscle pulls and stress fractures. And due to us...yes, we are the large contributors. Pro athletes and Seniors also are guilty. OK why? Lack of prep time, body education, lack of know how, show off and there are more of us into fitness. How to limit/prevent injuries. Include BALANCE drills on a daily basis. Working  your entire body with emphasis on foot drills. Gradually moving from flat terrain to hills, sand and water. Jumping...if you land flat footed, you add weight to the foot and cause undue stress. NO, I do not agree that because we jump higher and we are stronger...that's what causes fractures. When we first learn to jump, why don't I hear about stress fractures or muscle pulls? Vary your fitness drills and cause muscle confusion. Don't fall victim to muscle memory. Training on hills (about 30 ft. elevation) and sand has helped 100's of men and women avoid injuries. I can attest to that. I have trained 1,000"s of men and women of all ages in my "Balance Your Life" classes. Happy Landing. Jimmy O

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Power Up

Welcome and let's get started. I will answer your questions on...should I use weights on ankles when training? Where can I use weights and when? What are the expected results? Over the past 20 years, 100's of pro's and  specialist's have commented and studied the subject matter. Findings? Ankle wts. are a NO NO? Will neg. affect your muscle alignment and your balance. Resulting in pulled and strained muscles and loss of speed and endurance. Half lb. wts. above the knee are recommended. Will strengthen the upper leg...especially for the 'close stage.' When the upper leg is tired, you will feel the 'drag.' Also, 1/2 lb. wts. just above the wrist for arm strength and 'pull.' I wear a vest jacket and alternate with parachute once a week. For vest jacket, start with 20 lbs. for 2/3 weeks and then maybe 30 lbs. Never use weights longer than 20 min. continual drill. Hope this helps. Jimmy O

Monday, April 22, 2019

Quickness/Speed/Endurance (part 2)

Welcome and let's get started...with the exception of 'muscle memory' all motion begins with the brain. Brain conditioning is a constant. Next, breathing. Practice deep breathing...fill your lungs and add oxygen (fuel). If you have a partner for some of these drills it works better. 1) bunny hop, 4 directional...partner moves hand and you move in that direction w/baby hops. 60 sec. 3 sets. 2) Kangaroo hops, not a leap. 4 directional. All on the balls of your feet. 3 sets, 60 sec each. Misdirection is key. 3)  Leaps, again 2 ft. at a time, balls of ft. Partner will yell stop, then start and so on. On the balls of your ft. 3 sets, 60 sec. ea. Two days later same drills with one difference...all on one ft. and alternate feet. Drills will produce quickness, speed, balance, endurance.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Hero of the Week

Welcome and let's get started...first, my Hero of the week. Flo Fillion Meiler, age 84. Qualified for the World Masters Athletics Championship Indoor in Poland. She competes in the L J, 60m hurdles, 800m, Pentathlon and pole vault. Trains 5 days a week. Reversing the aging process. people don't climb Mt. Everest just to reach the top...they climb it to conquer themselves. Everyone has a Mt. Everest to climb...climb it to conquer yourself. Next week, back to quickness and endurance. Reference: www.secondwindfitness

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Speed Posse Plus Quickness

Welcome everyone...let's get started. Speed and quickness are requirements in every sport, every event. Too often speed is talked about in reference to quickness...not the same. Different body motion, mental execution and different drills. Get a tennis ball, toss it about six feet in front of you. Quick, sprint for the ball and catch after first bounce. Gage distance for the toss so you challenge yourself. If you have a workout partner, have the partner toss. Select a hard surface. More challenge...toss ball farther away from you. After catch, cut on way or another. Alternate. Next, same drill, except sprint past the ball. as you can, move your feet 4 directional about a foot each way...on the balls of your feet only. These drills will also enhance your balance. Next writing, speed, quickness and endurance.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Change is Critical

Welcome everyone and let's get started...change of seasons always brings new life and spirit. Some sports are writing the final chapter, while others are just getting out of the box. Re, your practice drills, sequence, timing and time of day...what have you changed, added or deleted. Remember previous had 1, 2, 3 areas to improve,. Did you take care of that "home work?" Well, your next event will demand to see your home work. This is the ideal time to take care of those (areas to work on) now...with muscle confusion drills. Change those bad habits before they get worse. When drills become mechanical, boredom sets in, then 'rigormortis.' Change that. Bring on your best year ever. Get started with discipline. . Jimmy O

Sunday, March 24, 2019


Welcome and let's get started...every so often we need to shake things up. Get out the cobwebs. When fall into that "comfort zone" when training becomes easy...time to step out of the zone and challenge ourselves. Change our routine. This is what so many of us do. 20/30 min. high impact drills. After a 30 min. warm up, we speed up certain drills we have preselected drills and perhaps add 2/3 drills. At most a 30 sec. rest between drills. Need at least 5 drills for this shakeup time. You can't quit until finished. followed by 30 min. cool down...includes a 5 min. walk. You should feel exhausted...but feeling great. Warning! If you are new to your training program...stay away from this high impact program. Jimmy O

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Finding Your Rythem

Welcome everyone and let's get started...some of the same measures we use in horses, we use in our training. In the animal world we also use "gait." We work with horse's gait in all performance drills...from race to jumping. We talk about 'hitting a wall' in all of our different events. There is more than one wall. Many experience a 'wall' in warm ups. Work through that first wall. Don't ignore it. Wake up your brain. Work through it. You may experience a wall even at the start of your event, don't give in. Then, with any where from 400m. or less, a wall that most talk about. The walls are more mental than physical. If you continue to experience have fallen into the trap of "self induced" program. That's are talking yourself into it. This wall can happen in the weight room, bedroom, driving a car, etc. Tear down the wall.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Less is Better

Welcome and let's get started...those who have learned the hard way have a great story to tell. Whether you are an occasional workout personal or a daily grunter, most start a program with a flurry drills and training. Results...injury, burnout, loss of self confidence. A pointer...what are you good at...your talents and skill. Apply those skills to the type of workout you need to get better/stronger. Caution applies to the weight room, Trac and Field, any sport or fitness exercise. Rehab is a B*-**h. I have seen too many athletes and fitness men and women a do nothing. Angry. That is not a good direction to live with. Focus and patience...a requirement. Use but don't abuse your body. You only have one.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Hidden Enemy

Welcome and let's get things that we can see and feel, we address. Problem...when we can't recognize symptoms, well they go unattended and cause problems. We need some thing 24/7 to be working in our behalf...boast our immune system. Minerals, collagen, antibiotics. 1) bell red pepper 2) black Elderberry syrup 3) bone broth 4) sweet potato 5) Blueberries 6) yogurt & Kefir 7) Grapefruit 8) roasted chickpeas 9) oil of Oregano , a few drops w/hot water 10) shitake mushroom 11) sunflower12) asparagus 13) green tea 14) popcorn 15) garlic 16) broccoli 17) pumpkin 18) turmeric 19) hemp seeds 20) oily fish: salmon, trout, sardines 21) clementines 22) eggs 23) anise. We rely on "Peak Performance" with each drill and each event. Here's to your health.

Sunday, February 24, 2019 hands

Welcome everyone...let's get started. of body motion, conditioning. Everything we do requires 4 directional movement. Acquirement...motor skill, muscle memory and the practice of muscle confusion. Everyone has at least one or two drills they don't want to do. Why? Various reasons/excuses. Let me toss you a few...if they help me, I do them. 1) lateral, forward and backward w/hands behind your back. All directions for 60 sec. Rest for 30 sec. Five sets. 2) 2X4 w/cloth wrapping...about 3 ft. length. Select a smooth surface, place 2x4 on surface and w/hands on 2x4 push for 10m. turn and push back. Rest for 30 sec. or as needed. 3 sets. 3) tennis  or sponge ball, throw ball toward a wall, straight on from about 10 feet away. Throw ball hard enough so you field it after no more than 2 bounces. Next, throw ball toward wall at about a 45 degree angle. This will force you to "quick start" yourself and catch ball after no more than 3 bounces. Right and left angles. 3/5 sets w2 min. each set. 60 sec. rest between sets. Once each week. You will be amazed at the results.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Have a Blueprint?

Welcome everyone and let's get better have a blueprint. You wouldn't build anything w/out a, why not your body. Start w/foundation...your feet. Sit or stand, include in your warm up or cool down. Place a ball and or soccer ball under your feet, one foot at a time and rotate each direction, forward and backward and side to side. Two sets 3 min. each set. Do not put all your weight on one foot if standing. 90% of our nerve endings are in the feet. Drill will stimulate your nerves and send positive signals to the brain. Your 'on demand' drills will react much faster.
Results will show up faster. Also sit on an exercise ball, at least 75cm. When sitting on ball knees should be level w/hips. You can do this drill when watching TV or at your desk. I now have 100's of office workers sitting on a ball vs. chair. Your balance will be 100% better.

Monday, February 11, 2019

More Bounce to the Ounce

Welcome and let's get started...word association to the title. More spring, higher jumping, thrust, increase stride, breakaway, maintain, 2nd&3rd wind, flex, endurance, quick muscle twitch. Various jumping drills, On the Balls of your feet only, one leg and two legs in every single drill. As soon as you hit the ground bounce (POP) up. The balls of your feet act as a tambourine not a sand box.Don't do these drills flatfooted. can always tell when a sprinter is running flatfooted or playing any sport. Marathon and long distance runner require more slow twitch. In my personal drills and conducting classes or coaching seminars...we do this 3x a week.

Sunday, February 3, 2019


Welcome everyone...thank you for the great feedback re acute and chronic pain. Let's talk about thrust and specific training drills. Almost every sport and certain drills require bursts. Sports + 100's of exercises/drills are tempting to try. The weight room is most abused for your body. Stop looking at picture ads. Be specific in your drills and preparing for your thrusts. In track and field it's bolting out of the blocks for sprints. Name any event in T@F and you have a thrust. Train specific for that thrust. Most pulled hams in sprints occur coming out of the blocks and about the 50m mark. Don't just throw weights around or in reckless fashion. Start early and stay late. Out of 100's of drills, select 10 or less. Rather, enjoy your time training vs. rehab. Rehab is costly in money and your valuable time. Next writing, more bounce to the ounce. Jimmy O

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Rid Aches and Pain

Welcome everyone...aches and pains and rehab infiltrates and can destroy one's training. At the very least, be disruptive. In my personal training, teaching, coaching and interviews w/hundreds of athletes...for acute pain, apply Arnicare cream and for chronic pain, apply 100% pure Wintergreen liquid and/or 100% Tea Tree liquid. Prior, for pulled muscles, apply cold, not ice pack, asap. Don't stop your training routine. Rather, slow it down, low impact. Bruised areas need blood flow. You know your body better than anyone. Lite stretching is the Rx of the day. Even after you think you are healed...keep using the above remedies for another week/10 days.
Jimmy O

Saturday, January 12, 2019

HAPPENS in 3's

Welcome everyone...perhaps you have noted that so much in life happens in 3's. And after talking to dozens of both athletes and non athletes they are in agreement with that assessment. Let's get started. Periodically reference previous writing...1) write down 3 core goals you want/need to reach over the next x___# of months. Now write down the 3 drills you need to perform daily/weekly as your first steps in reaching your goals. In weeks 2,3,4, phase in 3 more drills over that 3 week period. End of week 4...analyze progress or lack thereof. Repeat this route for 3 months. Test yourself...compete against yourself. The 3's will get you 'there' better than any other way. Never leave a job before completion.
Jimmy O .

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Envision where you want to be...

Welcome everyone...if you cannot see yourself "there," don't bother to write it down. We can talk about goals, weights, barbells, lifting, running, any competition...and if we can't 'see' ourselves being won't get there. If you were handed a road map and were told that the map would give you a "maybe" in getting there, would you buy the map. When and until you have the passion and vision of 'there' chances are you will not get there. When you start acting like you are already will realize that are living it. Next writing...starting that journey. jimmy o  You pack your own chute.