Monday, December 24, 2018


Welcome everyone... Merry Christmas and a safe  New Year with inner peace. Inner peace to combat inner and outer stress. I am still quite active in the business world presenting seminars and as a keynote speaker. The cross section of audiences want hear about my "Profiles in Leadership" more than any other venue. This is a good time of year to assess 'who we are.'  Give a hug to our loved ones...daily. Stamp out the negative...only think and speak only POSITIVE.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Ringing in 2019

Welcome's that time of many interruptions and so little time. You want to cut back on training and yet not lose it. Warning...if you go three days w/out exercising...then it's like starting all over again. Staying the various stretching exercises, standing, sitting and kneeling. Get a soccer ball or exercise ball...feet 4-6-8 inches from a wall and place ball between you and the wall with ball at or below 'belt line.' Slowly up and down, bending knees while leaning back to hold ball. As you go down, ball will move up to middle of back. You will feel a great massage. Each set 10x. Twist slowly from side to side, 5x each way. This drill will keep that blood flowing to critical areas. And oxygen flow. While reading or watching TV, and place a tennis ball or soccer ball under your stocking feet and rotate in multi directional fashion. One foot at a time. That will stimulate your nerve endings. Select  drills daily and work for 30 min. or more. Three x a week walk at least one mile. There, that will cover 2-3 weeks. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Wishing you the best. Jimmy O

Monday, December 10, 2018

Ugly Holiday Buldge

Welcome everyone...first we welcome the holidays...then look in the mirror...then curse the holidays...then come those New Year's resolutions. Ahh Yes.  The battle of the bulge. Ouch! You are what you eat...what you look like. Only your vote counts. If you want to pig out...have at it. Want to stay trim, stay in shape, stay in training...then Restraint is called for. Break training for three days or abuse your's like starting all over again. Do you want to flunk again and start all over.....again and again and again. get a passing grade and stay on top of your game. First to the Finish Line...where winners and survivors always meet. Next blog...getting ready for 2019! "Profiles in Leadership" at

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Welcome everyone...wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with peace and joy and laughter. Since my youth, Thanksgiving has been my favorite Holiday. For me it's a day of appreciation for the people who have had an impact on my life. Friendship and love cannot be measured by fractions, a slide rule, scorecard or money. It's about caring and feelings. Some time ago I founded a company in memory of my father...H.U.G.S. helping, understanding, giving, serving. Love means other. My father often times would say, "water the flower before it dies." So, in thanks, wishing you a special day, 2018. Give someone a hug...always, Jimmy O

Sunday, November 11, 2018


Welcome everyone...questions galore re use of weights. When, where, why, how. Start by analyzing your body motion for a particular sport. Sprinting, running...1/2 lb. wts. to start. Wear just above your knees and not on your ankles. Why? Ankle wts. will throw your natural stride off. When legs are fatigued, they get heavy from the knee up. Doing one leg or two leg hops (4 directional) I wear 1/2 lb. wts. above the knee and ankles, 30 sec. and rest. Sprinting/running I wear wts. around my wrists no more than once a week. NO wts. within 3 wks. of competing. Jackets are excellent as is parachutes. Warning...don't overload jackets. Better light wt. than over wt.

Monday, October 29, 2018

The Walk

Welcome everyone...take a walk...a healthy walk. Most walkers/joggers find a concrete path. In my dictionary, stay away from concrete and treadmills. Your knees, hips and ankles will sooner or later show the terrible results. Many doctors are directing
people of all ages to walk/run on a soft path, in woods, a beach or sand dunes, or a track. Some trainers are leading the way and running barefoot on blacktop. Every Sunday I walk for an hour. Uphill, downhill and flat. Before and after I invest 5 min. rotating my knees and hips and ankles...5 min. each. At home or my office, I walk around in my stocking feet...I put shoes on when company arrives. Shoes are restrictive. We need to activate the nerve endings in our feet.

Saturday, October 20, 2018


Welcome everyone...can you close. All races call for a strong's a sprint. Measure how much track/ground you need to max your speed and hold that speed and run through the finish line.
Let's start by holding a 2/5 or 10 lb. wt. in each hand and jog for 30 m. and sprint for 70m. Move your arms. The faster you move your arms...the faster your legs move. Three min. rest. Holding same weights, jog for 350m. and sprint for 50m. Three min. rest. Take a truck or tractor tire and flip it over and over again for 10m. 3 sets w/1 min. rest between. Tie a rope around tire and other end tie rope around your waist. sprint 10 m. start at standing position. Tire drill, do 3 sets each. Complete these drills once every two weeks. You will notice huge difference after 3rd week. jimmy o

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Staying Fit without....

Welcome everyone...without the long workouts. All of us need to take  a break from the routine, staleness, boredom, slacker. How to use it and not lose it. Select a time of day and let's select 3/4 drills at high impact pace. Get an 8/10 lb. med. ball and jump rope 7 min. total time w/ one min. warm up and two min. cool down. 1) Sprint forward and backward 5yds. 3 sets. 2) Jumping Jacks, 1 min. Fast. 3) With jump rope, one end in each hand, stand on rope and pull up tight against bottom of feet and kangaroo hop 5 yds., turn and hop back. 3 sets. 4) Place Med. ball 5 yds. from starting line. Sprint to ball, squat and jump up and reach ball above your head, 5 times, race back and sprint again. 3 sets. Cool down. Nice work. Jimmy O

Sunday, September 23, 2018

X Training on Balance (circles)

Welcome everyone...this is the last writing in this series on balance.
You should be realizing benefits. For this issue we are going to test our motion. Start by standing near a wall or counter and w/eyes closed, turn L or R one full turn and stop. Open eyes and see how close you came to the starting point. Next, eyes closed, 3 turns in each direction. Stop. Hands on hips, eyes closed bending knees slightly, do lunges forward 3 steps and then back again. For 3 days,
brush your teeth w/the opposite hand, come your hair w/opposite hand and so forth. If you are right handed, work the left hand. When driving any vehicle don't try this drill. As a motivator, read about a HS woman in "profiles in Leadership" at   Jimmy O

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Pin the Tail

Welcome everyone...BALANCE. Remember way back when 'pin the tail on the donkey' was popular. Spin you around and pin the tail is back. First, start with feet together and raise one foot w/your eyes closed. Hold for count of 10. Change feet. 3 sets. If needed, stand near wall or chair. Next, close eyes and turn slowly in one direction and then reverse. You are not in a hurry when doing this drill. 5 sets. Next, holding a soccer ball and move your arms back and forth 10 times. 3 sets. No donkey, no tail. In my summer camps, boys and girls, ages 8-18, only 2 out of 10 could do these. When at home watching TV or at your desk sit on an exercise ball at least 75cm or larger. Also, on your knees and hands on ball... do 10-20 pushups. 5 sets. After just 3-5 sessions you will notice significant increase in your balance in all your activities. You will gain strength and endurance. You will also stimulate brain function. Caution...if you have inner ear problems, have someone with you when doing the "eyes closed" series. Jimmy O
"profiles in Leadership" at

Sunday, September 9, 2018

X Training (5)

Welcome everyone...Balance, and let's hop to it. On the flat ground. Feet apart about 3/4 inches and knees slightly bent and this one is like down hill skiing. Hop to left at least 3 ft.and then chg. direction and hop, always moving forward. Fast drill. 10m. and walk back. Start again. 5 sets w/10m each. Next 4 directional...feet together, hop forward about 3 ft. 10 to 15 hops, then back and side to side. Each direction 3 X. Rest one min. between each set. Now the same. one foot at a time. After a 2 min. rest jog 300 m. Conclude w/15 min. stretching. Jimmy O "Profiles in Leadership" at

Sunday, September 2, 2018


Welcome everyone...never allow your yourself to pass or turn away from a precious moment in life...a life changing moment. Recognize, hold on to and treasure. In memory of Areatha Franklin and John McCain. "Never give up and yourself...never walk away or quit before your call of duty is finished. Jimmy O "Profiles in Leadership" at Back to our scheduled writings next week.

Monday, August 27, 2018

X Training (4)

Welcome everyone...let's start with "from the mailbox." I  have been doing drills for several months now, when will I notice a difference? Ans. What are you try to accomplish...a)staying in shape. b)body building. 3) Toning. 4) sports/competition. 5) recreation. Let's take body/muscle building and you're working 3 different muscle groups...daily or once a week. When you work the same muscles they max out and then wear out. Changing your routine is critical in progressive building. Muscle confusion is part of advancement. Back to balance...X over leg movement starting w/rt. over left. Do 10 and then backwards. 3 sets. Now take a soccer ball or exercise ball w/feet 6/8 inches from wall and place ball at small of your back and lean against ball and start knee bends at about 6/8 inches. Do 10 slowly up and down. Then from side to side, twisting motion. 10 each way. You have just given yourself a great massage. Jimmy O "profiles in Leadership" at

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

X Training 3

Welcome everyone...Balance primarily is derived from the inner ear and nerve endings in our feet. X training breaks up the "training boredom" all of us go through. Also, develops brain power via muscle confusion. Routine enhances our "comfort zone." That comfort zone can become our worst enemy...downfall. The mental aspect is critical in peak performance. I began training in Martial Arts...Taewondo in 1991. Wanted to develop mental toughness and succeeded in doing that. Act and React with purpose. Just doing a few basics...front snap kick, side arm side block, overhead block, leg side kick, arm low block. All inclusive of full body motion. Forces the brain to stimulate multiple muscle groups at the same time and in prep for your next move. "Profiles in leadership" at Jimmy O

Sunday, August 12, 2018


Welcome everyone...recap re (1) and for future reference. If you can perform an exercise one direction, you can perform that same exercise in 4 directions. Reminder...we are establishing BALANCE in mind, body and spirit. Moving a large air (rubber) cushion on floor and standing to the right side, step on cushion w/left foot, knees slightly bent and either have someone throw you a ball from 5 ft. away. The thrower moves back and forth in front of you. If you don't have a thrower, then throw ball against a wall. This is a 2 min. drill. Then reverse foot on cushion . If 1 ft. proves to awkward, start w/2 ft. Next, same cushion, standing on either L or R side, crossover step w/crossover in front of stationary ft. and then lift stationary ft. off floor and then place back on floor and crossover in back of stationary ft. and place on cushion and do ball drill again. You will know after 4 min. which leg is stronger and which is weaker. Next writing, different balance drills and a mix of Martial Arts. Jimmy O

Sunday, August 5, 2018

X Training (breaking it down)

Welcome everyone...there is an estimated well over 100,000 various exercises/drills. More than enough and yet we create more variations of basic drills. Performing functional balance drills is the starting is the necessary starter. Start with small discs (stepping discs) , placing 2 lines 2/3 feet apart and not across from each other. Step forward 1 foot at a time. Stepping distance should be varied one to three feet. Forces you to hop to reach some. Always landing on the balls of your feet...not flat footed. 5 sets. Now take an air filled (sponge like) round object that you can place 2 feet on. Place it about 3/5 feet from a wall and start by throwing a soccer or
tennis ball against the wall. 2 min. Same drill with a medicine ball or some heavy ball. 1 min. Those 3 drills will give your foot/leg balance and its a mind booster. More next writing. Jimmy O

Sunday, July 29, 2018


Welcome everyone...for the past 18 years, cross training has played a major role in 1) mental fitness 2) attention to the particulars 3) muscle confusion 4) total body motion and readiness 5) confidence.
The mix...water aerobics, martial arts, racquetball, tennis, basketball, softball, weights, sprinting uphill and downhill, sprinting in water, on sand and grass barefoot. Technique, posture and form...critical. Two hour workouts were max. As I near my next competition, workouts were cut to one hour a day. all workouts were complimentary to event motion. When you can perform a drill one that same drill to a 4 way drill. These workouts take total commitment and dedication. No excuses.
Next writing...the break down. Jimmy O

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Where does Your Road Map Lead?

Welcome everyone...if you don't know where you are going, you will never get there. Categories in training/workouts...1) weekend warriors, 2) staying in shape/exercising, 3)muscle building, 4) competitor. Define your level. Most of my writings, seminars, tutoring, camps are geared toward the competitive, body motion and functional balance. All ages and impact levels. Body motion and functional balance is a must in all sports and non sports. That is the core for growth in body, mind and spirit. I mix in various Martial Art's movements as well. Brain boosters are also critical in our progressions. Next writing will be the onset of a new series. Have a meaningful life everyone. Jimmy O
New series...Too Get There, Start Here.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


Welcome everyone...there is a "sameness" in most everything in life. Boredom...the result of habitual/lack of substance behavior. When we cast aside our creativeness, ingenuity, passion, we become robotic, no energy, listless. All athletes face the above with varying degrees. You stop that behavior with "a change up" behavior. Completely change your training routine. Change your mental state of mind. You must take charge...get behind wheel of your life...and drive. Unload that excess baggage. First to the Finish Line...where winners and survivors always meet. Jimmy O

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Pot Luck

Welcome everyone...yesterday topped the best single day ever in number of "hits" for my blog. This blog began 11 years ago. Thank you. In answer to a few of the requests...I have a total of 123 varied drills/exercises designed by three other experts and myself. What's the best way to get a "6 pak?" I will select 2 of the 13. Stationary stance, feet 6-8 inches apart, jump up and bring knees to belt high or higher w/hands waist high. Don't land and stick...pop up quickly and repeat 30 X in 15 sec. 2) bend knees slightly, arms straight out w/ slight elbow bend, chest high, kangaroo hop as far as you can for 10 yds. and back. The higher you hold your arms gives greater
the impact. 5 sets each drill. The "pop up" is critical. Over this past year I have noticed a decline in sit ups and crunches...that's a good sign...stop just rolling the fat around. My knees hurt, what can I do.
First, stay off the tread mill. You don't have to push off (feet), all you do is raise your legs and right back down. Get on any glider, skiing motion. 2) any swimming motion or running in shallow water. 3) standing, knees slightly bent, slow rotation, hands resting
slightly above knees. Rotate one way 10 X and then the opposite way. Reference bottom of last blog. See you in a week. Jimmy O

Sunday, July 1, 2018


Welcome everyone...most workout warriors want long lasting endurance for peak performance. If you limit your fitness program to the weight room w/your ipad/cell, you need not read any further. However, for you sincere fitness guys and gals then perhaps you will go for this...break away from your comfort zone. Go to a track and work with a 400m. Jog the first 300m and then sprint the final 100m. After each 400m rest 3/5 min. Next, reverse it. Sprint first 100m and then jog final 300m. Repeat rest period. You get the idea.
Mix it up. Total time for workout, 1 hour. 20 min. cool down. Total
time 1 hour, 20 min. Muscle care...for acute muscle ache, use ARNICA. Its a works! For long lasting ache, use Winter Green or Tea Tree. Both are liquid. I have used all three for over 10
years and wouldn't be w/out them. Jimmy O

Saturday, June 23, 2018


Welcome everyone...about once every 3 mon. I do drills out of  my regular routine. If you attempt this make sure you warm up with the same motion as the upcoming workout. Here goes...rock climbing. Many places today have indoor climbing. 60 min. Rope climbing. Vertical for 25 ft. Use a tree. Rope walking w/hands. Like an old fashioned monkey bar, which will work also. Using a rope, tie each end to a tree or poles. Make sure your feet don't touch the ground. At least 25 ft. across. 45 min. Tarzan...swing from one tree to another and land on the opposite tree. Next, swinging slow, while swinging bring knees up to your chest as many as you can. 30 min. Last, sprinting on sand for at least 20m. Forward and backwards. 60 min. Expected results...stronger quads and hams. Results expected from other drills...endurance, upper body strength, increased sense of balance, mental alertness, increase in oxygen and lung capacity. Jimmy O. 

Sunday, June 17, 2018

4X4 Direction

Welcome everyone...Test and guts for these drills. Working every muscle. 1) on sand, grass or hardwood floor. Get on hands and knees, on your toes...forward, backwards and side to side. Mix it up. 5 sets, one min. each set, 2) hands on a 2x4, on your toes, push for 5 yds. turn and back. 3x. 5 sets. 3) stand on one foot, hop in 4 directions, 15 sec., change to other foot, 15 sec. 5 sets. 4) kangaroo hops, on 2 feet, forward, backwards and side to side. Hands waist high. These drills will also give you a 6 pak stomach. As always, all drills high impact or low. Once a week. Great results. Jimmy O

Saturday, June 9, 2018


Welcome everyone...rebound/comeback...whether from a bitter lose or injury or just didn't give your's about the mindset and guts. All of us have experienced that challenge. Questions... how, what, when. Steps: 1) get away from your routine for 2/3 days. 2) think through your pregame mental process. Were you focused on your event or were you socializing and hamming it up. Did you visualize yourself during the event and how to react at the unexpected. 3) your warm up routine...what was that like. Pre event
warm up should take 60 min. and very disciplined. Take nothing for granted 4) Are you taking notes? Things to do and things not to do in the future. All of this is about you and your success. NEVER
allow yourself to getting used to defeat. Losing is an awful habit. Now, this is a new day. Don't become your worst enemy. Go for it. Jimmy O

Sunday, June 3, 2018

What's Your Norm?

Welcome everyone...Trusting and depending on your mind, body and you have that trust. Really? What is your minimum/
acceptable performance. What is your max.? In my research over 10 years...7 out of 10 don't know. The 7 are cheating themselves from "peak performance." If you don't want to achieve a peak performance...stop reading, this isn't for you. These writings are for winners and survivors. These writing are for men and women who want to be in the winners circle. My readers are pros, amateurs, beginners and those coming back into fitness. Fitness is about time, distance, measurements, results and passion. But most of's about YOU. Start taking an interest in YOU. Each workout start taking before and after workout...pulse, temp, heartbeat and blood pressure. That takes 60 sec. Next week...rebound. Jimmy O

Sunday, May 27, 2018


Welcome everyone...if we are not careful, all of us fall into that dreaded pit known as "I'm bored." Or don't feel like working out today. Boredom can be habitual. The mental games begin. So, who is in control? "Funny money" or you. Then you ask that fatal question...who will know? Only one...YOU. Do you really want to go there? Start to self generate "slide of failure." Your defining changing moment. And while you are at it, get rid of that pacifier...1) booz 2) outside influence 3) party time 4) tooting your own horn. I know, when you were a year old, you were still sucking your thumb...bite it. Flush that For more, go to It's about challenge and conquer yourself.

Sunday, May 20, 2018


Welcome everyone...Forgive me for getting personal today. I am safe to say that each one of us has sloughed off in a training/workout session and yes, even a competitive event. That move is shameful... it all begins w/our workouts. When we don't trust our body and mental are in "deep dodo." In 2004 I began competing in the Senior Olympics, Senior Games, Masters, State Games and qualified five X for the Nationals. Sports...Track & Field, Tennis, Racquetball, Pickleball and Martial Arts. I train 2 hours each day, 6 days a week w/5 hours devoted to T&F. 48 weeks, 240 hours, 14400 min. I have to prove myself in seconds. 50M, under 8 sec., 100M, under 12.5 sec., 200M, under 32 sec. You might say, "that's over load." Could I have worked less? I don't know that. I have won gold in all 5 events...add long jump and high jump. Competing in the 67-75 are class. And I never know what the competition is going to do. Before each event I visualize myself winning. I feel the rush/thrill. How much is enough...everything you've got and then some. Rather overwork than underwork. Jimmy O

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Little Things Mean Alot

Welcome everyone...too often we look for a "Niagra Falls" for the big bang success to achieve greatness. Those who think that, may as well play the lotto. Relax and simplify your life and your reach for max fitness and competitive goals. Be consistent...begin with your sleep habits, avg. age, 8 hours. During sleep, your muscles need to re coop. Restless sleep produces tired muscles...and that's before you start your drills. Eat healthy meals, Don't over eat, under eat. Stop eating w/in 90 min. before retiring. Drink at least 4, 8 oz.
glasses of water a day, plus any other juice liquids. I am sold on coconut water...and ALL liquids should be ICE cold...not warm. Cold works better and faster. When working out I drink coconut water and ice coffee. Always finish your planned workouts...never quit/cut short. Produces mental toughness. I have learned muscle cramps, strained hams, quads, hips, back are mainly caused by lack of proper stretching and lack of fluids. All of the above was arrived at by 17 years and 721 interviews of pros and amateurs. All at one time or another were in rehab. It's the little and survivors know. Jimmy O

Sunday, May 6, 2018


Hello my experienced opinion, the following list is what I advise clients to avoid. Some drills are downright hurtful vs. helpful. Sad to say, some drills assigned to clients, act as a babysitter. ie treadmill. "run for 20 min. and I'll be back to check on you." Stay away...1) treadmills are dangerous to your knees. You don't have to push off, just raise your feet. Even if you run on an incline. Run on a track, grass or sand. Oh, I know, "what about marathons?" That's the plus minus rule. 2) Sit ups/crunches...drill just pushes the fat around. The key...TIGHTEN the core muscles. In a previous writing, I illustrated how. 3) Not doing stretching prior to workout...nonsense. Do stretching prior and after your scheduled drills...but stretch in the same fashion as your intended workout. 4) Same routine every workout...disaster. Result...tired muscles, back ache, mental strain, boredom and finally...quit. Then, that fatal what. Jimmy O

Sunday, April 29, 2018


Welcome are embarking upon a journey and you pack every thing...except a map w/landmarks. Will you get there? Maybe? Why take a chance? If you are serious, You want results via efficient workout schedule. I'm guessing now, but I would estimate 8 out of 10 don't take the time to write out a plan. Yes, they check off each drill and that's it. Everyone needs a purpose, efficiency and results. Define your reason for working out, time spent on each drill. It's much more than knowing how to count to 10. Put your tech equipment in the duffel bag. If you are working out just for rec, you can bypass the above...then any kind of motion is good. I always advise a workout partner. I enjoy working's rewarding...not a punishment. Next week...drills I don't advise. Website

Monday, April 23, 2018


Welcome workouts since 2003 for 10 months of the year are 2 hours long...the other 2 months for 1 hour long. In addition from 10/07 to 5/15 I conducted 15 fitness classes each week, w/3 devoted to men and women physically/mentally challenged. So, I have lived what I "preach." I owe a lot to plyometrics. I gained speed, balance, endurance, mental alertness.
When one gains the next level of alertness, you climb to the next level in every facet of skill needed to accomplish your goals. You reach Peak Performance! That's human nature. In my tutoring, I tell my clients not to worry about weight lifting so much. Muscle will come soon enough...Unless that's all you want. Careful about being
muscle bound. That will restrict all your other activities. Give Plyo a chance for 30 days, 3x a week and then feel the results.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Hello everyone! Just this morning 4/18/18 my updated and revised
site went LIVE! Updated and given a "facelift." Combining my business world and sports world.
There is a direct parallel between the two. Regards, Jimmy O

Sunday, April 15, 2018


Welcome everyone...2nd and last issue re your "tummy." # 4, the wheel...stretch and tighten core muscle. On your knees, hands on handles of wheel or rolling pin, knees still, push out as far as you can and roll it back. 10/20 times. # 5, Jump rope...30 sec. if you are just starting. 10 times. If you are a vet at this do 10 at 60 sec. A 15 sec. rest between sets. # 6 The hang man. Tether your ankles to an iron well above your height (every gym has a bar), hanging come up and touch your toes for a count of 10. Do 10 sets to start with and in time work up to 20 sets. You should experience a burn. Do every other day. You will notice a slight difference already by the end of the 3rd session.

Sunday, April 8, 2018


Welcome everyone...much of society covers up what they don't want the public to see. That would be the tummy and wrinkles for the most part. Translation..."hide and seek." To be transparent, takes passion, dedication and anger. By the way, women have the edge over men in getting chiseled. The tummy...I'm not a fan of sit ups and crunches...that only rolls the fat. Tighten that stomach first. Start with laying flat on your stomach w/elbows parallel too shoulders and push up off your elbows and toes. Keep your butt and back level. Hold for count of 20 or 30. 10 sets. Next move elbows forward 3/4 inches. Repeat same as above. Next move elbows another couple of inches and repeat the above. Next, on your back, legs together and straight and raise to a 45 degree and upper body up and reach out and touch your toes (or as far as you can) and hold for count of 20. 10 sets. Next, staying on your back, holding an 8 lb. med. ball, legs straight out and together, hold med. ball straight up from your forehead, raise your upper body to a 45 degree and KEEPING the ball above your head...that's the KEY. 20 sets. Next week...another 3.

Sunday, April 1, 2018


Welcome and Happy does one get from point A to point B? Over the past 100 years that path has been zig zag. There are 100's of exercises, "machines" methods to achieve, coaching styles and then add supplements and on top of all that, add the billions of dollars spent on adds. About 10% of the above actually work. The word game, packaging, pics showing "false" results. The billions spent on all of the above, it's estimated only 17% is used. Just in home purchases of "machinery" alone, 85% stands idle collecting cobwebs and dust. 27% of purchases remain in the box, never opened. So much for intent. Let's go back 100 years. Men and women made their own. For starters, rocks, leather straps, blacksmith's designed weights. Many of  today's  track and field events did not exist. In the early days working out, weight  (heavy)lifting racing was forbidden for women. Today women are more tuned into working out, getting and staying in shape than men. In my fitness classes women out number men by 10 to 1. We need to get back to designing some of our own methods and ways of getting results. Research before you buy. Next blog...getting cut w/
makeshift equip.

Saturday, March 24, 2018


Welcome Heroes this week, our youth, all involved in
"NEVER AGAIN." Marchers and those of us cheering. March on!
Every Sunday I need to be alone...silence. I take a long walk to get to know who I am. Yes, I talk to myself...I have to like who I am. I'm all I have. I clarify my purpose in life...why I do the things I do.
I need to focus. I walk until I reach a conclusion...what I want to grow into as a person, community leader and fostering the homeless, hunger, the lonely, and the physically and mentally challenged. Those are the ones I learn about. When I conclude my one/two hour walk I feel refreshed...ready to climb my Mt. Everest and knowing why I do it. It's always for them. Have a great life everyone...Jimmy O

Monday, March 19, 2018


Welcome everyone...I call certain drills...Crazy Time. Start w/a bungee cord. Affix one end to something sturdy and the cord should be heavy duty and according to your weight. Place the 2 handles, one in each hand and move away from the fixed object 'til cord is taught with your back to the fixed object. Keep walking away
until you are at capacity, hands are waist high. Hands can be waist high, shoulder high or bending knees and keeping waist high. You can also do this drill facing the fixed object. High impact...with 3 feet of slack, sprint. Try and increase your distance w/each attempt. You can also do this sideways with crossover steps. 3 sets each way
with 5 to each set. Next drill...sprinting in water about 3 ft. deep for about 10 m. Knees can be in or out of water. Do 10 times. Next, sprinting in sand. Go easy on this one, your quads will have a work out. These drills will challenge your every muscle. I do these drills once each week...they made me stronger, faster and have more stamina. Even walking through the above will help.

Sunday, March 11, 2018


Welcome back everyone...the finish line is calculated by time, numbers and distance. With every drill/exercise...what is your finish line, end result. your success is dependent upon your practice. How you practice predicts your event performance Track when you give up and why. I are tired. NO!!! You gave up. You gave in to weakness. You programed your brain to quit. That's what quitters do. With a built in factory of excuses. Stop it! Once you start THINKING about winning...finish by winning. Winners conquer themselves. Last points...Balance...99% of balance comes from the inner ear and nerve endings in your feet. Work Plyo and Iso into your workouts...especially Plyo. Accept success and you will find it. Accept failure and it will find you. Have a meaningful life everyone.

Sunday, March 4, 2018


Welcome back everyone...and welcome to the field of bursts. Warning...before entering the burst field, "heat up." Stretching on grass" or dry surface and skips. The drills, everything in double time. Sets are continues  with deep breathing. 30 sec. break between each drill and 3 min. break between sets. I select 5/7 drills over a 45 min. session. Tough? Yes! High Impact? Yes! It's supposed to be. The 45 min. session, done right, is worth more than a 90 min. session. My selection, and in any particular order. 1) jump rope. 5 sets with 1 min. each. 2) jumping in place, jump and bring knees waist high and land on balls of feet, don't be flat footed or you may as well sit down. 30 in 15 sec. 3 sets.3) sprint 10m. and sprint running backwards 10m. 5 sets. 5) facing in the opposite direction you will be sprinting, holding a soccer ball and flip it over your head as far as you can, turn and sprint for the ball and try and catch it on the first the very least the 2nd bounce. 5 sets. Now you are 100% better than before you started. See you at the finish line.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

No Comfort Zone/11th in series of 13

Welcome training, working out and competing we need to take out boredom and just being a mechanical apparatus. Insert
brain and muscle confusion. Once a week select 3 drills and enter the no comfort zone. Here are mine that  I select 3 drills: Jump rope, full body up, push 2x4 on smooth surface for 10m, rope climb or rock climbing. Three drills (choose # of sets ) and mix in 30-50m. sprints. Jump rope for 30-60 sec. w/1 min. rest between sets. Full body up, strap feet/ankles to stationary overhead bar, hang upside down, come up and touch your toes 10 times. 5 sets. Rope climb w/knots and about 25 feet long. A tree works great, so you climb 25 feet up.  jimmy o

Saturday, February 17, 2018

BALANCE/10th in series of 13

Hello again everyone...each year I conduct a balance and skill summer camp for kids ages 8-18. The teens come to camp real cocky, "what can he show us." Ten min. into my training regimen, those w/the cocky attitude turns to humility and I pic on them throughout the 5 hour session. I discovered long ago that one's balance is the key to developing longevity and advanced skills. Lets get started. We begin with 2 feet square 4 corner hop. Back/forth/left/right for 1 min. Rest 1 min. then 1 ft. square hop for
1 min. All on the balls of your ft. Next, cross over walk for 10 yds. and cross over walk back. Next kangaroo hop for 10 yds. forward and then backwards. Next, 10 low hurdles, standing facing one way, jump, twist and land the other way, all on the balls of your feet. 10 hurdles, 3 reps. Fast, forward and backwards for 10 yds. 5 sets. Next week, part 2.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Line of Efficiency>>>9th in Series of 13

Hello and welcome everyone...efficiency is the critical standard in everything we do. Ever watch someone running a race and starts losing? They begin to flail like a fish out of water. Efficiency begins even before you start your training. It begins with your work habits, handling money, wasting food and being sloppy. It begins with your attitude. Your brain is key. Results expected and results achieved and you want that efficiency line to be at or close to results expected. Your brain sends desired act to desired muscles and your breathing controls oxygen level based on energy exertion.
Controlling and mastering those 3 "pilots" is your way to success in  training and competing. Breathing exercises should be an integral part of warm ups, drills and cool downs. All of us must have "on demand" times in training and events. Breath in and exhale slowly. Exercising that will increase your lung capacity. The
desired response to your "demand" takes practice and training. Even when you think you are out of "gas" you are not. When you feel that "rush" you don't even remember breathing or running out of gas. see you at the Finish Line.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

OFF SEASON/8th in series of 13

Welcome back everyone...the off season is an ideal time to study results from the past season, frame your off season workouts and go through mental adjustments needed. December and January is my off season. Don't just lay around during off time. I get into swimming, racquetball, tennis, pickle ball and teach "athletic balance."We And lots of different stretching and massages. I am appalled at the lack of warm up and stretching and cool down that athletes and non athletes ail in this area. Then they come running to me with aches and pains. Rehab is time consuming and is a set back. Some never really fully recover. We cannot take our bodies for granted. Refuel, recharge, recover and renew the mental and physical.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Competitive Practice/7th in series of 13

Welcome everyone...competitive practice is a major part of my training. I didn't want to just compete, I wanted to win and set new records in track and field. I competed in T&F, tennis, racquetball, pickleball, softball, basketball, flag football and martial arts. My quest began when I sold my business at age 65. I went back to college for my personal/athletic trainer certification. I trained/competed against college students year around for 3 years. I held my own in every sport and that's what I needed. My vertical leap was 421/2 inc. It's on youTube and I set records in Senior Olympics. State Games and Masters. I developed an edge over anyone in my age group. Fitness Class in College...most all the young guys could do 25 pushups and 15/20 sit ups in one minute. I did 104 pushups and 85 sit ups...the correct way. Also one of the college coaches also tutored me, I awe him a lot of credit. It comes down to how serious are you. Compete at some level periodically. You owe it to yourself. See you at the Finish Line.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

EVENT Training///6th in series of 13

Welcome back everyone...event training is and should be different than the off season. Whether your event is once a year, once a month or more...spacing and timing is crucial. What time a day is your event(s). Gear your training to that time. Reaching your peak
mentally and physically at the event is a must. Write down your drills with proper spacing and stick to it. Don't keep adding stuff. Don't over train. All your Grunt Work should have been done before your event training. Let's assume your event training begins 3/4 weeks before the event. Double your warm up and cool down time. Add 1/3 liquid intake. Keep your diet the same. The mental: picture in your mind what you are going to do and how you are going to do it...act as though you were already there.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

TRIGGER/ 5th in series of 13

Welcome Everyone...just as we value the alignment of the stars and planetary galaxy, emphasis on our alignment and balance of the brain signals,  nerves, muscular system that responds to our trigger
points on demand. Every competitor/winner/survivor utilizes one or more "triggers" during a specific event. When I need a "mental alert" my trigger is the word NOW. I have trained my brain to give me that extra I need to close out and finish strong. After saying that word, I don't even feel tired. Now...has been my trigger for years. It works!