Happy New Year everyone...every year "new replaces old" and we celebrate...it is also the time when we hear about all the New Year's resolutions. Perhaps we should replace the 'resolution' with the word 'Gonna.' I'm gonna do this and that...and end up doing nothing to change. We bring in the new year easier and faster than we get rid of old habits. Time travels in one direction, and no we can't "make up for lost time." To change...how do we view our "pattern of life." Evolve/change one piece at a time. Own your pattern...your life. Visualize your pattern of life as though you were already there, and begin to act/behave that way . I'll be back after the clock rings 12. Wishing you a safe, healthy and joyful New Year. Jimmy O
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Christmas 2020
Welcome and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah...Perhaps it is time to wish for and practice "peace on earth, good will toward mankind." Some day someone will write a book on this year 2020. And a book will be written on each one of us. I don't know about you, but I don't want to appear in a paperback...I want to be in hard cover. I want 2020 to be in hard cover. The last question we find in the book..."what kind of people were they...what kind of person were you. How will we define 2020...how will each of us define ourselves. Last question...how will our family and friends define us. With best wishes, jimmy
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Welcome everyone...aaahh yes, that finish line. But, where is it...exactly? We know the line is in front of the grand stands. Whether you are a sprinter or distant runner. So, long before you're up, pick out "land marks" around the track. This will help as to when you shift gears. Reminder...we are always measuring distance and energy. When/where do I kick? You take nothing for granted...it's the little things that add up to how you finish. Practice...when competing or not...you will perform as you practice...it's also a mental practice. Distance, energy, landmarks, practice, little things. www.secondwindfitnessfilm.com
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Muscle Memory
Welcome everyone...for quite sometime now, I felt there was a parallel between business and sports. One link is muscle memory. We are guilty of relying on the "remote behavior." When want to change a way of doing things, under pressure, we resort back to the "old way." And get the same 2nd place results. Changing something requires discipline...to change, you have to change. Break it down into tiny baby steps. We build that comfort zone on the old...Break that "spell." Don't allow muscle memory become your worst enemy. BREAK!
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Have a seat at the Thanksgiving table. This has been my favorite holiday since my youth. Each year I send or hand a letter to those who have had an impact on my life. This year a letter goes to you...the reader. And God is seated at the head of the table. The menu.. turkey and all the trimmings and gifts. The gifts...stories, laughs, forgiveness, acceptance, memories and friendship. Friendship cannot be measured by fractions, slide rule or score card. It's about feelings..."I like me best when I'm with you." A friend is someone who likes you even after they get to know you. "People will forget what you said, what you did, what you were wearing...they will never forget how you made them feel." We are fighting a global, invisible, deadly enemy...each should have a 'Greater Power' at their table. Fate is what life gives you...destiny is what you do with it. So, my friends...thank you for coming into my life. With Best Wishes, Jimmy O
Friday, November 20, 2020
Warm up More
Welcome everyone...in our recent survey, we found most felt 'warm up' was a waste of time. Boring. served no purpose. With that attitude, rehab is next. Warm up is the 'wake up call.' Mental and physical. Warm up and cool down should be at least 1/2 the time of the work out. Indifference toward your body is a sad way to look at yourself. Wake up! Give yourself a chance to become better. Next week... my annual Thanksgiving message. jimmy o
Monday, November 9, 2020
Welcome everyone...most of us are familiar with rehab. Within this past year my released my PreHab design program. Scrutinized by several therapists before release. This program has application for injuries and certain diseases, ie heart, cancer and others. Treatment prior to surgery or other proceedures suspect areas. The mental recovery is critical. Lets address sports, workout injuries. We tend to try and cover up our soreness areas. Be careful with that. Your body is telling you something. With minor soreness...acute pain I recommend Arnicare cream. For chronic soreness...Wintergreen liquid. more next writing. Jimmy O
Monday, November 2, 2020
UP a Notch
Welcome everyone...let's take it up a notch. 1) get a rubber ball and throw it against a flat surface at an angle so you have to sprint to get it...hands behind your back until you have taken 3 steps (not strides) after 3 steps, reach for the ball. 10 sets. MOVE your feet. 2) On a flat surface, your hands and toes on the ground, stay in place and now move your legs...fast. Five sets, 30 sec. each set. 3) standing on any movable object, rubber or waffle board, and one person to your left and right at an angle 3/4 yards from you, each person, one at a time, throws the soccer ball to you. You must look straight ahead. This drill will enhance your focus and peripheral vision. Drill for 2 min. straight. Jimmy O
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Your Left/your right
Welcome everyone...This drill is called switch up. Regaining lost balance. Balance is the CORE of all skill sets...all sports. Start with "hop scottish." One of the first games we learned to play as a youngster. If you are a rightie, switch to the opposite foot. 5 sets. 2) kick the can, 10 sets. 3) Kick a soccer ball against a wall...5 sets. 4) get a rubber ball and throw against a wall. 10 sets. Throw 5 under hand and 5 over hand. 5) Dribble a basketball...5 sets for 1 min. each. Set aside 2 days a week, an hour each for these drills. You will notice positive results after the 3rd time. Apply the "switch" to all sports...back and forth. Jimmy O
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Start Your Engines!
Welcome everyone...starting something...the beginning...toughest step. More people fail before they even started. What a shame. If you are going to climb a mountain, you look up at the peak...that's the your goal. You stop looking up...look down and take that first...you begin the journey. You and your goal are now united. Take ownership...control. Fate is what life gives you...destiny is what you do with it. There more to drills, workouts, running and the weight room. There is the purpose in life. The mental guides you...the physical drives. Get behind the wheel of your life. Jimmy O
Monday, October 5, 2020
Welcome everyone...Seasonal Changes...the temp and weather aren't the only changes that affect us. Four changes on everyone's calendar...plus one. Most of us also experience "downer" low point and yes even depression. And yes, even excuses. Our mental attitude needs a booster. You may have physical difficulties. Write down your workout schedule and stick to it. There are 100's of mind games on line. Pick out a few and make it a regular daily habit. Stay away from negative conversation...this should be a daily habit. The negative of any sort is a "weight." You can't allow yourself to be "weighted down." Climbing out of that hole...is a long and rocky hill to climb. Don't go there. We face the challenge of Covid 19, seasonal change, staying healthy. A healthy YOU is a great and best way to tackle that challenge. See you at the finish line...where winners, survivors and grinders always meet. www.secondwindfitnessfilm.com
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Endurance Building
Welcome everyone...for anyone needing to run/sprint, "running out of gas" is the worst. This is for anyone needing a close. How to maintain oxygen level This is a 400M. Inhale and exhale slowly, slowly. #/4 speed for first 300 M. then bust it last 100 M. You must learn to exhale slowly. You are building oxygen level. Yes...at the start this drill will take you out of your rythem for the first 2/3 times...but then you feel the difference. If you keep doing the same, your time will stay the same. Do 3 sets with a 1 min rest between. Then jumping jacks or jumping up bringing your knees up to your waist. Either 30 of each. 5 sets. Finish w/a slow jog 400M. www.secondwindfitnessfilm.com
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Beware of "BRAIN LULL"
Saturday, September 12, 2020
IT's about time
yes, about time...welcome everyone. Some of life is about time, numbers, the unknown. Lets reach into the unknown. Fear...afraid to expose your weakness. Something we all have. Work your weakness...at least to yourself. Fear is a debt you're paying on that you don't have. When you claim and over come your fear, you have arrived.
Monday, September 7, 2020
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Soul Time
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Beating the Odds
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Sand Man/Woman
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Monday, July 13, 2020
"Blind Spot"
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Muscle Memory
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Monday, June 15, 2020
Arms UP
Translation...move your arms. Drill...3x each week. Increase weights according to your own comfort and work your way up 400m. 5 sets, each drill. Results after 2 weeks. Next writing, legs. www.secondwindfitnessfilm.com
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Monday, May 25, 2020
training...lets stay with research. Don't undermine our health. Honor to the men and women who lost their lives and those are serving now...let us not forget their families. Jimmy O
Monday, May 18, 2020
Pre Hab
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Monday, April 27, 2020
Breaking News
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Thank You
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Lung capacity
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Bet yyou can't
Thursday, March 26, 2020
IDLING Body? Watch it
Thursday, March 19, 2020
High Wire Drill/Get 6 Pak